Ing. Frantisek Hruska


in Prague, on 13th November 1952


graduated in electro-technology, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Prague, 1977


1977 - Institute of Communication Engineering (VUST), Prague, Department of Hybrid Circuits, Department of Ion Implantation
1983 - Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Department of Nuclear Medicine
1986 - Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Ionospheric department
1994 - Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Upper Atmosphere department

Professional activity:

Housekeeping and telemetry systems of small satellites, electrical measurements and testing of satellite systems. Involved in development of electronics for czech satellite Magion 2,3,4 and Magion 5, project Aktivni, Apex and Interball. Design of the Modulation Multiplexer UMO, Small Telemetry system SMT and Analog Memory System AME for the Interball project.


Other activities and hobbies


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