20th Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing

20th Czech-German Workshop on Speech Processing
September 20 - 22, 2010

[ Workshop flyer ]

[ Workshop PROGRAM ]


Conference time: September 20th, 1:00 p.m. to September 22nd, 2010

Recommended arrival: September 20th, 2010

Deadline for registration: August 29th 2010


The deadline for submitting the title and the abstract of the contribution is August 22nd 2010. The title and the abstract of the proposed contribution should be sent by the Registration Form. Later abstracts will not be accepted due to time scheduling difficulties.

Authors of accepted contributions will discuss their topics at the conference in order to get feedback and suggestions by the audience. The final contribution must be sent to horak@ufe.cz no later than October 10th 2010. Later contributions will not be accepted in order to avoid delays in the revision process.

The manuscript should be delivered in camera-ready form prepared in accordance with instructions to authors.

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