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Status Centre of Material Diagnostics is branch office of Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. The Centre is composed of two laboratories: Laboratory of Fatigue Damage and Laboratory of Wave Modelling in Solids.
Here you can find further information about status and history of the Centre.
Head Doc. Ing. Petr HORA, CSc.
Assistant of head Prof. Ing. Miroslav BALDA, DrSc.
Address IT ASCR, v.v.i.
Centre of Material Diagnostics
Veleslavinova 11
301 14
Phone +420 377 236 415
+420 377 236 416
Fax +420 377 220 787
Laboratory of Fatigue Damage Accredited experimental laboratory. Since the very beginning, the laboratory has investigated problems of the fatigue of steel samples and parts both theoretically and experimentally.
Laboratory of Wave Modelling in Solids The laboratory is interested in analytical and numerical methods for solution of wave propagation.
Staff In present time, 18 employees work at the Centre.
Location of the CDM CDM is located in Pilsen, Veleslavinova St., in the downtown. The navigation is simple; the tower of St. Bartolomew Cathedral at the main square is good landmark, you can see it from far. The way to CDM from the main square leads by the Roosevelt Street in the direction to Saxen Bridge. Turn right approx. 100 m far from the main square to Veleslavinova Street. The CDM building is marked by the red arrow at the map.