Name: The use of rare earth elements to improve the preparation of InP- and PbI2- based semiconductor materials for detection of ionizing radiation
Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation
Principal investigator: Olga Procházková, Ph.D.
Co-principal investigator: Jaroslav Maixner, Ph.D.
Member: Jan Grym, Ph.D.; Vlasta Majeríková; Václav Malina, MSc.; Marie Matuchová, Ph.D.; Fedor Šrobár, DSc.; Jiří Zavadil, Ph.D.; Karel Žďánský, Ph.D.
From: 2003-01-01
To: 2005-12-31

Detectors of ionizing radiation offer a broad spectrum of applications in devices used in digital radio-logy, space research, X-ray and gamma spectroscopy. The major theme of this project, which in some respects is a continuation of previous work, is the employment of the specific properties of selected rare earth (RE) elements in the preparation of high purity epitaxial layers of InP (with undesired impurities concentration below 1015 cm-3 and mobilities on the order of 1000 cm2/Vs) and structurally perfect bulk crystals of PbI2, both destined for detection of ionizing radiation. The aim is to establish optimal conditions for preparation of the detector structures with blocking electrodes. Liquid phase epitaxy will be used for preparation of the InP layers, direct synthesis and zonal purification for the PbI2 crystals. The blocking Schottky electrodes will be formed by vacuum evaporation of suitable metals with possible admixture of REs. Following diagnostics will be used: optical microscopy for evaluating layer thickness and dislocation density, X-ray structural and fluorescence analysis for identifying of lattice parameters and compositions, low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy for studying optical properties. The results of these methods will be correlated with those of the temperature dependent Hall effect (measured by the van der Pauw procedure) and the C-V measurements. Detector structures will be evaluated with respect to their quantum efficiency for the alfa and gamma radiation, the carrier lifetimes and temperature dependence of the spectral resolution.