17. August 2009
Astronomical Institute's Activity Report 2007-2008
Astronomical Institute has published its Activity Report for years 2007-2008. Activity Report is being published regularly every two years since 1995 and presents research and social activities of the Institute in the past two-year period.
4. August 2009
Postdoctoral position in 2009
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic intends to open a temporary postdoctoral position in 2009. The applicants (under 40 years age) are expected to have experience in one of the fields studied in the Center for Theoretical Astrophysics affiliated to the Astronomical Institute (see www.asu.cas.cz) and to be holding PhD at the time of job commencement.
11. March 2009
Presentation in the European Union review
Presentation of the Astronomical Institute in the 17th issue of the review of the European Union, March 2009.
18. January 2009
Presentation in the European Parliament Magazine
Presentation of the Astronomical Institute in the special issue of the European Parliament Magazine, 15 December 2008. Czech EU Presidency Guide, page 59.
8. December 2008
Postdoctoral position 2009
Postdoctoral position
at the Astronomical Institute
of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.
10. April 2008
Postdoctoral Position at the Astronomical Institute
Astronomical Institute intends to open four temporary postdoctoral positions. The subjects are: solar and stellar astrophysics, velocity fields in active galaxies, processes in nuclear regions of accretion discs, orbits of asteroidal satellites. Applications and reference letters must be received prior to June 10, 2008.