This programme page now contains the FINAL schedule of the RC28 Spring Meeting. Please note the room number of the individual panels. Also, the papers in each panel are not listed in any particular order; the order of presentations will be determined by the panel chair at the start of the session. If you have requests for when you want or need to present, please talk to your panel chair.
Registration and welcome reception
Rob Mare, Meir Yaish, and Petr Mateju
Welcome and preview of the spring meeting
Stein Ringen,
“The Truth About Class Inequality”
Richard Breen, Ruud Luijkx, Walter Muller, and Reinhard Pollack,
“Long term trends in educational inequality in Europe: class inequalities and gender”
Yossi Shavit, Meir Yaish and Eyal-Bar-Haim,
“The Persistence of Persistent Inequality”
Tony Tam,
Jeroen Smits,
“Effects of factors at the family level, district level and national level on primary school enrolment in 75 developing countries”
Hyunjoon Park and Pearl Kyei,
“The Literacy Gap between Those with High levels and Low Levels of Educational Attainment among Older Adults: A Comparative Study of 20 Countries”
Silke Schneider,
“Measuring Educational Attainment in Cross-National Surveys: The case of the European Social Survey”
click here for supplemental excel file
David B. Bills, Su Euk Park, Ryan Wells, and Yi Chen,
“German Credentialism: Hiring, Inflation, and Sheepskins”
Bongoh Kye,
Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger,
Ellen Webbink,
“Demand and supply side determinants of child labor in developing countries”
Mary E. Campbell and Molly A. Martin,
“Race, Immigration and Homogamy: Patterns Across Cohabitation and Marriage”
Patricia McManus,
“Poverty and Income Security in Immigrant and non-Immigrant Households in the United States, 1999-2005”
Fenella Fleischmann and Jaap Dronkers,
Robert Hauser and Megan Andrew,
“Occam's Razor? Measurement Error and Functional Form in Characterizing Status Transmission Processes by Race-Ethnic Group in the U.S.”
Glenn Firebaugh,
Ottar Hellevik,
“Marginal insensivity and the analysis of educational inequality”
Johannes Hjellbrekke and Olav Korsnes,
“The Critique Against the Mobility Table. An Empirical Assessment of Variations in Relative Mobility Rates”
Simone Zdrojewski, Yvette Grelet and Louis-André Vallet,
Hiroshi Tarohmaru,
Joanna Sikora and L.J. Saha,
David Reimer,
“Objective vs. perceived returns to education: Changing labour market conditions and postsecondary educational decisions in Germany”
Lincoln Quillian and Devah Pager,
“Race and Biases in Perceptions of the Risk of Criminal Victimization”
Carlos Costa-Ribeiro,
Moshe Semyonov, Anya Glikman, and Maria Krysan,
Clemens Kroneberg,
“Ethnic Communities and School Performance among the New Second Generation. Testing the Theory of Segmented Assimilation”
Panel speakers:
Stein Ringen, Ottar Hellevik, Robert Hauser, Michael Hout, John Logan, and Samuel Lucas
Michael Hout and Robert Hauser, TBA
John Logan, "Log-Linear Mobility Models as (Thin) Description"
Samuel Lucas, TBA
Seymour Spilerman and Florencia Torche,
“Intergenerational Influences of Wealth in Mexico”
Chloé Tavan and Valérie Albouy,
“Expansion and Social Selectivity of Higher Education in France”
Wataru Nakazawa,
“Intergenerational Educational Attainment in the Process of Educational Expansion in Japan”
Svitlana Oksamytna and Valeriy Khmelko,
“Intergenerational educational mobility: Soviet and Post-Soviet Patterns in Ukraine”
Jannes de Vries and Matthijs Kalmijn,
“Life-course changes in income: The role of partnership and parenthood transitions”
Ellen Verbakel and Paul De Graaf,
Dana Hamplová,
“Who is chickening out of marriage? Transformation of Czech Families after 1989”
Haya Stier and Avital Sela-Dotan,
“Timing of Childbirth and Employment Consequences: The Israeli Case”
Megan Andrew and Cecilia Ceja,
“Path Dependence in Post-Secondary Persistence: A Multi-State Model of Education Transition in the U.S., 1982-2000”
Anders Holm,
Rianne Kloosterman, Paul de Graaf, Stijn Ruiter and Gerbert Kraaykamp,
Maarten Buis,
Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Irina Tomescu-Durbow
“Radical Change in Social Class Structure and Inter-Class Mobility: Analyzing Tables with Different Origin and Destination Categories”
Jing Yang,
"Social Mobility in Modern China"
click here for presentation
Hiroshi Ishida and Satoshi Miwa,
“Trends in Intergenerational Class Mobility in Japan in the late 20th Century”
Miquel Pellicer-Gallardo,
“Inequality Persistence through Vertical vs. Horizontal Coalitions”
Ly-yun Chang,
“Does social capital really enhance academic success? Evidence from the Taiwan Education Panel Surveys, 2001 and 2003”
Stijn Ruiter and Nan Dirk de Graaf,
“Socioeconomic Payoffs of Voluntary Association Involvement: A Dutch Life Course Study”
Arnošt Veselý,
“Intergenerational transmission of social capital: A first look into PISA-L dataset”
Cinzia Meraviglia and Harry B.G. Ganzeboom,
“Long Term Trends in Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Italy: Birth Cohorts 1899-1980”
Petr Matějů and Michael Smith,
click here for presentation
Alfred A. Essuman and Kristen Ringdal,
“A multilevel analysis of rural-urban inequalities in basic education in Ghana”
Jorge A. Neves, Danielle C. Fernandes, Flávia P. Xavier, and Maria C. Tomás,
“Social Policies, Family Resources, and the Educational Attainment of Brazilian
Children and Youth”
Florencia Torche and Carlos Costa-Ribeiro,
Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Tak Wing Chan, and Arne Kristian Aas,
“Social Status in Norway”
Cameron Campbell, and Jamez Z. Lee,
“Was There a Revolution? Kinship and Inequality over the Very Long Term in Liaonin, China, 1749-2005”
Marii Paškov,
“The Process of Social Transformation: Perceived Social Inequality in Estonia”
Claudia D. Solari and Robert D. Mare,
“Housing Crowding Effects on Children´s Wellbeing? National and Longitudinal Comparisons”
Olaf Groh-Samberg and Carsten Keller,
Alisa C. Lewin and Dafna Caspi-Dror,
“The Effects of Intermittent Work Histories on Poverty: The Case of Working Poor in Israel”
Wojciech Tomaszewski,
Poster presentation at end of panel:
Isabel García-Espejo and Marta Ibanez,“Factors associated with the poverty risk of workers in Spain”
Xiaogang Wu,
“Economic Transition, Educational Expansion, and Educational Inequality in China, 1990-2000”
Daniel A. Long,
“Private Schools, School Autonomy, and Inequalities in Academic Achievement in Latin America”
Ruey-Ming Tsay and Hsiu-Jen Jennifer Yeh,
"The Divergent Path of Educational Reform and Educational Attainment in Taiwan"
Sigal Alon,
"Losing Ground: Temporal Changes in Class Inequality by College Destinations in the United States"
Ted Gerber,
“Earnings Inequality in Russia, 1991-2004: Temporal and Regional Variations”
Johannes Giesecke and Roland Verwiebe,
“Winners and Losers of the Income Dynamics in Germany between 1998 and 2005”
Kim A. Weeden and David B. Grusky,
“Class-Biased Institutional Change and Rising Wage Inequality”
Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund and Arne Mastekaasa,
“Dual Earner Couples and Income Inequality: Norway 1975-2004”
Michael Hout,
"The Class Divide Within American Protestantism"
Albert Simkus,
“The Effects of Social Class on Attitudes Towards Ethnic Tolerance and Cooperation in the Western Balkan Successor states of Former Yugoslavia”
Miguel Caínzos, Monica Ferrin, and Carmen Voces,
"Class inequalities in political participation: Spain and Europe"
Teuta Starova, Kristen Ringdal, and Albert Simkus,
"Social Dimensions in Party Choice in Albania"
Shu-Ling Tsai and Yu Xie,
Sin Yi Cheung and Ted Gerber,
“Labor market returns to post-secondary education in Hong Kong, 1981-2001: variations by field and place of study”
Herman van de Werfhorst, and Carlo Barone,
“Education, Cognitive Skills and Earnings in Comparative Perspective”
Robert Andersen and Herman Van de Werfhorst,
“Education and quality of work in comparative perspective”
Marita Jacob and Nicole Tieben,
David Post,
Anna Zimdars,
Jana Straková,
“Impact of selectivity of the Czech education system on the formation of citizenship attitudes of Czech apprentices”
Heather Hofmeister and Hans-Peter Blossfeld,
Karin Halldén,
“Is It More Difficult For Women To Reach High Labour Market Positions In Countries With Gender Egalitarian State Politics?”
Javier G. Polavieja,
“Explaining the Effect of Occupational Sex-Composition on Earnings: Evidence from the European Social Survey”
Rinat Arviv-Elyashiv and Hanna Ayalon,
Harry Ganzeboom and Ineke Nagel,
David Grusky and Ivalyo D. Petev,
“How Many Lifestyles Are There?”
Phillipe Coulangeon and Yannick Lemel,
Ivalyo D. Petev,
“Social Class, Again: Trends in Consumer Expenditures, 1960-2002”
Daniela Grunow, Karl Ulrich Mayer, and Alexei Zelenev,
“How stable are working lives? Occupational stability in West Germany 1945-2005”
Anna Manzoni and Ruud Luijkx,
Paul de Graaf, Ruud Luijkx, and Wout C. Ultee,
“Retirement in the Netherlands between 1980 and 2000: the role of work history”
Daniele Zaccaria,
“Understanding pathways to retirement in Europe”
Yao Lu and Donald. J. Treiman,
“Socioeconomic Differences in Health in China”
Amélie Quesnell-Vallée, Suzanne DeHanney and Antonio Ciampi
Martín Sánchez-Jankovski and Corey Abramson,
“Racial Differences in Patters of Health Care Use Among the Elderly Poor”
Martin Kreidl,
“Did the socioeconomic variation in the risk of low birth weight increase during post-socialism: Evidence from the Czech Republic, 1992-2002”
Volker Stocké,
Kadri Täht,
“Parent´s work schedules and children’s educational achievement”
Anna Garriga,
“How does parental divorce affect children's educational outcomes?”
Gabriele Ballarino and Hans Schadee,
Irena Kogan,
“Transition from School to Work in Serbia”
Zsuzsa Blaskó and Péter Róbert,
“Graduates in the Labour Market: Does Socioeconomic Background have an impact? The Case of Hungary”
Kristina Lindemann,
Ettore Recchi, Letizia Mencarini, Emiliana Baldoni and Francesca Francavilla,
Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong,
“Contemporary Changes of Chinese Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong”
Chih-jou Jay Chen and Ying-Hwa Chang,
“Self-Employment in Eastern China and Taiwan”
Kasia Karpinska, Ineke Maas and Wim Jansen,
“Self-employment in structural change: A cross country comparison of post communist economies”
Marie Plessz,
Tomáš Katrňák,
"Does age homogamy influence educational homogamy? The case of the Czech Republic, 1994-2004"
Natalie Simonova and Petr Soukup,
“The Determinants of Educational Inequalities Reproduction in the Czech Republic after 1989”
Karin Kurz and Wiebke Paulus,
“Parents´ educational aspirations: How do they develop and what determines them?”
Josef Basl,
“Computer literacy in the context of social exclusion and digital divide: Czech Republic in an international perspective”
Margarita Kazjulja and Triin Roosalu,
“Who was successful at finding good job at Estonian labour market: comparison of pre- and post-transformation society”
Iva Šmídová and K. Janoušková,
“Factors conditioning educational aspirations and educational segregation for girls and boys in the Czech educational system”
Daniela Rohrbach,
“Income Inequality Trends of Knowledge Societies: Evidence from 19 OECD Countries, 1970-2002”