Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

Czech Institute of Physics boosts efficiency, 5.3.2010.


Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

Selected results of department 51

The most important results of the department members and related to the PALS, which is led by Ing. K. Jungwirth, DrSc., were published and summarized in the following annual lists [1-5].

Other results supported by PALS research programs, donated by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, and by European Commission, and by an enormous assignment of many department members under leadership of Ing. K. Jungwirth, DrSc., were also published [6-10] by scientists from other departments or institutes, particularly universities.

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Using the PALS iodine laser system, Au ions with the charge state up to 58+ and with the kinetic energy as high as ~300 MeV were generated. The production of these ions was tested in dependence on the laser frequency (1ω, 3ω), on the irradiation/detection angles (0°, 30°), on the focus position with regard to the target surface, and on the target thickness (500 µm, 200 µm, 80 µm).

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Angular distributions of currents and velocities (energies) of ions produced at various target irradiation angles and laser intensities ranged from 1010 W/cm2 to 1017 W/cm2 were analyzed. It was confirmed that for low laser intensities the ion current distributions are always peaked along the target normal.

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Repeated plasma outbursts were recognized at our analyzing currents of the fast carbon and fluorine ions produced with the sub-nanosecond PALS laser beam focused onto polytetrafluoroethylene and polyethylene targets. The deconvolution of ion collector signal made the determination of the ion temperature as well as the effective voltage accelerating the fast ions possible. The value of the accelerating voltage decreases with increasing ion outburst number; the highest value of this voltage was about 800 kV.

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Interactions of laser driven plasma jets with He and Ar gas puffs was investigated experimentally by means of three-frame interferometric/shadowgraphic system and three-frame X-ray pinhole camera. A defocused iodine laser beam using the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) interacting with massive planar Cu targets generated high-speed well-collimated plasma jets.

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This result is devoted to investigations of laser energy transfer into solid targets with respect to the focusing lens focal point position relative to the solid target surface as obtained at the PALS laser facility. The third harmonic of the PALS laser beam with energy ~90 J and pulse duration ~250 ps (FWHM) was used for irradiation of two kinds of targets made of Cu: a slab and a 3.6 µm thick foil. The focal point of the beam was located either inside or in front of the target surface, and care was taken to ensure the same laser spot radii in both cases (250 µm).

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Recent experimental results demonstrated that well formed plasma jets can be produced at laser interaction with targets made of materials with high atomic number (A ≥ 29 where A = 29 corresponds to Cu). On the contrary, it is impossible to launch a plasma jet on low-A material targets like plastic.

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Iodine photodissociation laser SOFIA

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A minute, yet practical, modification of a well-known spectrograph based on a set of wedged narrow band filters is presented. It makes possible two-dimensional-imaging spectral measurements with a potential subpixel precision of a few micrometers. The simple spectroscopic device can evaluate dispersion of quantities which can be transformed into an image, e.g., into a spatial beam distribution. The spectrograph was used to measure angular dispersion of both a laser oscillator producing femtosecond pulses and a simple dispersive optical system, an optical wedge.

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