Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

Czech Institute of Physics boosts efficiency, 5.3.2010.


Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

Research subjects at department 18

  • Plasma Enhanced Linear Microwave Chemical Vapour Depostion system (PELMWCVD)
  • Plasma Enhanced Microwave Chemical Vapour Depostion system (PEMWCVD)
  • UHV Hollow Cathode Plasma Jet
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy
  The full text >>

  • Investigation of martensitic transformations in single crystals of SMAs: CuAlNi, NiTi, NiMnGa, CoNiAl
    V. Novák, P.Šittner, J.Kopeček, D.Vokoun, O. Heczko
    Case reference
  • In-situ TEM studies of deformation processes in materials
    N.Zárubová, P.Šittner
    Case reference
  • Elastic properties of phases in SMAs
    M.Landa, P.Sedlák, P.Šittner, L.Heller, V.Novák
    Case reference
  • Experimental investigation of thermomechanical properties of SMAs
    P.Šittner, L.Heller, J.Pilch,D.Vokoun, M.Pisca
    Case reference
  • Thermomechanical modelling of SMAs
    P.Šittner, V.Novák, D.Vokoun, L.Heller, M.Pisca
    Case reference
  • Characterisation, testing and functional property conditioning of thin NiTi filaments for textile application
    L.Heller,P.Šittner, J.Pilch,D.Vokoun
    Case reference
  • Research and development of engineering applications of SMAs
    J.Pilch, P.Šittner, L.Heller
    Case reference
  • Material research, alloy casting and single crystal growth
    Case reference
  • Medical devices based on NiTi
    P.Šittner, L.Heller, J.Pilch
    Case reference
  • Functional composites SMA-polymer
    D. Vokoun, L.Heller
    Case reference
  • Smart textiles with NiTi filaments
    L.Heller, J.Pilch, P.Sittner
    Case reference
  • Deformation processes in materials investigated by in-situ X-ray and neutron diffraction
    Case reference
  The full text >>

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