Location and Travel Information

The Workshop will be held in Prague in Hotel Globus near metro station Roztyly (red line, or line C). The address is Hotel Globus, Gregorova 2115/10 Prague 4 (See detail or schematic map.)

You can reach the place By taxi: The price should not exceed 800 CZK. You can also use public transport: From the airport, we recommend to use bus 119 to Metro station Dejvicka (green line, line A). In this case take green Metro line (A) to the Muzeum station and change it to red line (C) to station Roztyly. At Roztyly go uphill cca 500 m according to the map. Whole travel takes 40 - 50 min.

General information about Prague transport
Prague public transport uses combination of Metro, bus, and tram lines. Transfer ticket with 75 minutes validity costs 26 CZK (1 Euro ~ 26 CZK). It is worth to buy 1-day (100 CZK) or 5-day (500 CZK) tickets. For further information see informal or official information.