We would like to inform you about the forthcoming
which will be held in Prague on Tuesday 19th October.
Please REGISTER if you are planning to attend: archive@soc.cas.cz.
Due to limited number of places we would encourage you to register as early as possible.
Location: AKC, Husova 4a, Prague 1
More information: http://archiv.soc.cas.cz/articles/cz/84/workshop.html
9:00 Registration
9:15 Welcome
9:30 Data Harmonisation in International Surveys on Education (PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA) Petr Soukup (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague)
Harmonisation accross countries in SHARE
Stephanie Stuck (SHARE project; Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, University of Mannheim)
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Hitches with Harmonization of EU_SILC
Veronika Sequensová, Czech Statistical Office
Harmonisation of EU-SILC: Obstacles for Users
Martina Mysíková (Institute of Sociology AS CR, Prague)
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 The Comparative Usefulness of Respondents' Subjective and Objective Assessments of Commuinity Size: Czech Data in International Perspective
Michael L. Smith (Institute of Sociology AS CR, Prague)
Data Harmonisation as a Cumulative Effort - A Platform Designed to Foster the Cumulation of Knowledge
Markus Quandt (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne)
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Measurement of social capital
Social capital in cross-cultural comparison. Opportunity and limits of social network measurement in representative surveys
Jiří Šafr (Institute of Sociology AS CR, Prague)
Do we need new social capital indicators in cross national surveys? The potential of "old" and "new" social capital indicators
Julia Hauberer (Institute of Sociology AS CR, Prague)
16:30 Close of workshop