Časopisy / Journals:

  1. Božić H., Harmanec P., Yang S., Žižňovský J., Percy J. R., Ruždjak D., Sudar D., Šlechta M., Škoda P., Krpata J., Buil C., 2004, Properties and nature of Be stars. XXII. Long-term light and spectral variations of the new bright Be star HD 6226, Astron. Astrophys. 416, 669 - 676
  2. Czerny B., Rozanska A., Dovčiak M., Karas V., Dumont A.-M., 2004, The structure and radiation spectra of illuminated accretion disks in AGN. II. Flare/spot model of X-ray variability, Astron. Astrophys. 420, 1 - 16
  3. Dovčiak M., Bianchi S., Guainazzi M., Karas V., Matt G.,, 2004, Relativistic spectral features from X-ray-illuminated spots and the measure of the black hole mass in active galactic nuclei, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 350, 745 - 755
  4. Dovčiak M., Karas V., Matt G., 2004, Polarization signatures of strong gravity in AGN accretion discs, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 355, 1005 - 1009
  5. Dovčiak M., Karas V., Yaqoob T., 2004, An extended scheme for fitting X-ray data with accretion disk spectra in the strong gravity regime, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 153, 205 - 221
  6. Hadravová A., Hadrava P., 2004, Astronomy in medieval Prague, Astron. Nachr. 325, Suppl. Issue 1, 65 - 65
  7. Harmanec P., Božić H., Thanjavur K., Robb R. M., Ruždjak D., Sudar D., 2004, An improved ephemeris and physical elements of ER Vul, Astron. Astrophys. 415, 289 - 297
  8. Harmanec P., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C., 2004, Disentangling component spectra of κ Sco, a spectroscopic binary with a pulsating primary I. Improved physical elements and analysis of periodic rapid variations of scalar quantitites, Astron. Astrophys 422, 1013 - 1021
  9. Kipper T., Klochkova V. G., Annuk K., Hirv A., Kolka I., Leedjärv L., Puss A., Škoda P., Šlechta M.,, 2004, The peculiar variable V838 Monocerotis, Astron. Astrophys. 416, 1107 - 1115
  10. Krtička J., Barrett R. K., Brown J. C., Owocki S. P., 2004, Kinematic model inversions of hot star recurrent DAC data - tests against dynamical CIR models, Astron. Astrophys. 417, 1039 - 1045
  11. Krtička J., Korčáková D., Kubát J.,, 2004, Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment, Astron. Nachr. 325, Suppl. Issue 1, 19 - 19
  12. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds. I. Method of calculation and first results for O stars , Astron. Astrophys. 417, 1003 - 1016
  13. Kubát J., Krtička J., Pustylnik I. B.,, 2004, Radiation induced coronal wind in late B stars, New Astronomy 9, 215 - 224
  14. Maintz M., Rivinius T., Stahl O., Štefl S., Appenzeller I., 2004, 59 Cyg - A second Be binary with a hot, compact companion, Astron. Nachr. 325, Suppl. Issue 1, 18 - 18
  15. Matt G., Bianchi S., Dovčiak M., Karas V., Guainazzi M., 2004, Relativistic Iron Features from X-Ray Illuminated Spotsand the Measure of the Black Hole Mass in AGN, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 155, 381-382
  16. Rivinius T., Štefl S., Maintz M., Stahl O., Baade D., 2004, A potential φ Per-type (Be+sdO) binary: FY CMa, Astron. Astrophys. 427, 307 - 311
  17. Saad S. M., Kubát J., Koubský P., Harmanec P., Škoda P., Korčáková D., Krtička J., Šlechta M., Božić H., Ak H., Hadrava P., Votruba V., 2004, Properties and nature of Be stars 23. Long-term variations and physical properties of the Be star κ Dra, Astron. Astrophys. 419, 607 - 621
  18. Štefl S., Rivinius T., 2004, Spectroscopy and photometry of Be stars during the past decade, Astron. Nachr. 325, Suppl. Issue 1, 15 - 16
  19. Wolf M., Harmanec P., Šarounová L., Zejda M., Božić H., Hornoch K., Kozyreva V. S., Hynek T., Král L., 2004, Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: V871 Aql, V345 Lac, V401 Lac and CR Sct, Astron. Astrophys. 420, 619 - 624

Sborníky / Proceedings:

  1. Aerts C., Baglin A., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Goupil M. J., Houdek G., Kjeldsen H., Kollath Z., Kurtz D., Lebreton Y., Maceroni C., Noels A., Schwarzenberg-Czerny A., Škoda P., Solano E., Thompson M. J., 2004, ENEAS: the European Network of Excellence in AsteroSeismology, in Second Eddington Workshop: Stellar structure and habitable planet finding, F. Favata, S. Aigrain & A. Wilson eds., ESA SP-538, Noordwijk, ESA, p. 247 - 250
  2. Aerts C., Harmanec P., 2004, , in Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of Close Binary Stars, R. W. Hilditch, H. Hensberge, & K. Pavlovski eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 318, p. 325 - 333
  3. Budovičová A., Kubát J., Hadrava P., Šlechta M., Korčáková D., Dovčiak M., Škoda P.,, 2004, Orbital solution of A-type binaries α Dra and Mizar A using spectrum disentangling, in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 923 - 927
  4. Dovčiak M., Karas V., Martocchia A., Matt G., Yaqoob T., 2004, An XSPEC model to explore spectral features from black-hole sources, in Proc. RAGtime 4/5 Workshops on black holes and neutron stars, S. Hledík & Z. Stuchlík eds., p. 33 - 73
  5. Hadrava P., 2004, Disentangling of Spectra of Multiple Stars, in Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of Close Binary Stars, R. W. Hilditch, H. Hensberge, & K. Pavlovski eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 318, p. 86 - 94
  6. Kawka A., Vennes S., 2004, Ap stars as progenitors of magnetic white dwarfs, in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman, & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 878 - 885
  7. Korčáková D., Kubát J.,, 2004, NLTE model atmospheres with rotation, in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 25 - 26
  8. Korčáková D., Kubát J., Krtička J., Šlechta M. , 2004, Synthetic spectra of A supergiants, in The A-Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 533 - 538
  9. Koubský P., Ak H., Harmanec P., Yang S., Božić H. , 2004, The Be star omicron Cassiopeiae, in Variable stars in the Local Group, IAU Coll. 193, D. Kurtz & K. Pollard eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 310, p. 387 - 390
  10. Koubský P., Hadrava P., Šarounová L., 2004, Study of b Per: an attempt to find lines of other components in the SB 1 system, in Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of Close Binary Stars, R. W. Hilditch, H. Hensberge, & K. Pavlovski eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 318, p. 103 - 106
  11. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, Multicomponent stellar winds of He chemically peculiar stars , in Magnetic stars, Yu. Glagolevskij, D. Kudryavtsev, & I. Romanyuk eds., Nizhnij Arkhyz, p. 234 - 240
  12. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, Multicomponent stellar wind and chemical peculiarity in A stars, in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský S. J. Adelman, & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 201 - 207
  13. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, NLTE wind models of A supergiants, n The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman, & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 23 - 28
  14. Kubát J., Korčáková D., 2004, Standard model atmospheres for A-type stars and non-LTE effects, in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman, & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 13 - 22
  15. Kubát J., Krtička J., 2004, Decoupling of helium in the winds of chemically peculiar stars, in Variable stars in the Local Group, IAU Coll. 193, D. Kurtz & K. Pollard eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 310, p. 439 - 442
  16. Kubát J., Krtička J.,, 2004, Frictional heating of a corona, in Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution, and Planets, IAU sump. 219, A. K. Dupree & A. O. Benz eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific, p. 953 - 956
  17. Kubát J., Krtička J., Pustylnik I. B., Votruba V., 2004, The possibility of a disk formation around late B stars, in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 49 - 50
  18. Maintz M., Rivinius T., Štefl S., Stahl O., 2004, How Frequent is Evolutionary Spin-Up in Binary Be Stars, in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 95 - 96
  19. Škoda P., Šlechta M., 2004, The reliability of echelle spectroscopy in the hot rotating star research, in Variable stars in the Local Group, IAU Coll. 193, D. Kurtz & K. Pollard eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 310, p. 571 - 574
  20. Škoda P., Šlechta M., 2004, Comparison of Echelle Spectra Reduction Packages, in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, F. Ochsenbein, M. G. Allen & D. Egret eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 314, p. 816
  21. Štefl S., Hadrava P., Baade D., Rivinius T., Maintz M., Stahl O., 2004, A 10-day binary system orbiting the Be star 66 Oph, in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 166 - 167
  22. Wolf M., Mayer P., Zasche P., Šarounová L., Zejda M., 2004, Eclipsing binaries with possible light-time effect, in Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of Close Binary Stars, R. W. Hilditch, H. Hensberge, & K. Pavlovski eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 318, p. 255 - 257


  1. Hornoch K., Kušnirák P., Wolf M., Šarounová L., Filippenko A. V., 2004, Novae in M31, IAUC 8404
  2. Wolf M., Harmanec P., 2004, Detection of the Rotational Period of HD 179949?, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars 5575

Disertace / Dissertations:

  1. Dovčiak M., 2004, Radiation of accretion discs in strong gravity, PhD thesis, Charles University Praha

Specialní publikace / Special publications:

  1. Hadrava P., 2004, KOREL - User's guide, Publ. Astron. Inst. ASCR 92, p. 15 - 35
  2. Hadrava P., 2004, FOTEL 4 - User's guide, Publ. Astron. Inst. ASCR 92, p. 1 - 14
  3. Koubský P., Mayer P., Čáp J., Žďárský F., Zeman J., Pína L., Melich Z., 2004, Ondřejov Echelle Spectrograph - OES, Publ. Astron. Inst. ASCR 92, p. 37 - 43