Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

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Czech Republic

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Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


News detail

Postdoctoral position in 2010/2011
1. November 2010

Postdoctoral position in 2010/2011

Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic intends to open a temporary postdoctoral position. The applicants are expected to have experience in one of the fields studied within the Center for Theoretical Astrophysics affiliated to the Astronomical Institute, and to be holding PhD at the time of job commencement. Preference will be given to applicants soon after obtaining their PhD degree. Independent and collaborative research is expected. Publication activity in scientific astronomical literature is required.

The position can start at the beginning 2011. One year duration of the contract is currently possible. The salary will be based on the standard domestic scale.

The candidates should send their applications (including the curriculum vitae, list of publications, and the summary of research work and plans) and they should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the director of the Institute at the following address:

Astronomical Institute of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Att. Prof. Petr Heinzel, director
Fricova 298
CZ-25165 Ondrejov
Czech Republic

The applications and reference letters should be received by November 30, 2010. For informal inquires please feel free to email prof. Jan Palous (

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