Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

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Pandatron.cz, 21.10.2010.

Skupina S. Kamby z Fyzikálního ústavu...

Český rozhlas, Mozaika, 6.10.2010.

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Český rozhlas Radiožurnál, pořad Stalo se dnes, 5.10.2010.


Přírůstky knihovního fondu Cukrovarnická za rok 2003

Advances in solid state physics.
Berlin : Springer.
Vol. 41: 2001, xii, 644 s., ISBN 3-540-42000-2
Vol. 42: 2002, xx, 520 s., ISBN 3-540-42907-7
K 3986

Amorphous and heterogeneous silicon-based films - 2002 : symposium held April 2-5, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2002.
xxii, 800 s.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; vol. 715)
ISBN: 1-55899-651-6
K 12676-715

AOKI, Kazunori
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2001.
xii, 580 s.
(Series in Condensed Matter Physics)
ISBN 0-7503-0514-2
K 14709

BECHSTEDT, Friedhelm
Principles of surface physics.
Berlin : Springer, 2003.
xii, 342 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
ISBN 3-540-00635-4
K 14735

Thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells : physics and technology.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003.
xix, 287 s.
ISBN 3-527-40376-0
K 14705

BROŽA, Petr - BURANSKÝ, Imrich
Programování WWW stránek pro úplné začátečníky.
3. aktualiz. a rozš. vyd. - Brno : Computer Press, 2003.
viii, 202 s.
ISBN: 80-7226-818-X
K 14517 a

Mechanisms of high temperature superconductivity.
Rostov on Don : Rostov State University Publ., 1999.
ISBN 5-7507-0774 (shodné pro oba díly)
Vol. l: 685 s.
Vol. 2: 703 s.
K 14702 -1, 2

BUSCHOW, K. H. J. - BOER, F. R. de
Physics of magnetism and magnetic materials.
New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2003.
vii, 182 s.
ISBN: 0-306-47421-2
K 14757

Atom-photon interactions: basic processes and applications.
New York : Wiley, 1998.
xxii, 656 s.
ISBN: 0471-29336-9
K 14742

Combinatorial materials synthesis.
New York : Dekker, 2003.
x, 469 s.
ISBN: 0-8247-4119-6
K 14677

Software engineering for real-time systems.
1st ed. - Harlow : Addison-Wesley, 2003.
xx, 800 s.
ISBN 0-201-59620-2
K 14725

Current issues in heteroepitaxial growth - stress relaxation and self assembly : symposium held November 26-29, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Warrendale : Materials Research Society, 2002.
xi, 316 s.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; vol. 696)
ISBN: 1-55899-632-X
K 12676-696

Display devices.
Berlin : Springer, 1980.
xii, 252 s.
(Topics in applied physics; vol. 40)
ISBN 3-540-09868-2
K 12150-40

DORFMAN, Jay Robert
An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
1st ed. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
xiv, 287 s.
ISBN 0 521 65589 7
K 14707

Velký průvodce protokoly TCP/IP a systémem DNS.
3. aktualiz. a rozš. vyd. - Praha : Computer Press, 2002.
xiv, 542 s.
(Komunikace a sítě)
ISBN 80-7226-675-6
K 14719

DROBNY, Jiri George
Radiation technology for polymers.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2003.

206 s.
ISBN 1-58716-108-7
K 14728

EATON, Gareth R. - EATON, Sandra S. - SALIKHOV, Kev M.
Foundations of modern EPR.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1998.
xiii, 818 s.
ISBN: 981-02-3295-0
K 14773

Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials.
Berlin : Springer, 2003.
xiv, 326 s.
(Springer series in materials science ; vol. 54)
ISBN 3-540-43382-1
K 14574-54

ELLIOTT, Stephen
The physics and chemistry of solids.
Chichester : Wiley, 1998.
xii, 770 s.
ISBN: 0471-98195-8
K 14740

FOTR, Jiří
Macromedia Flash MX : podrobná příručka.
1. vyd. - Praha : Computer Press, 2002.
xiii, 355 s.
ISBN: 80-7226-677-2
K 14704

Myslíme v MySQL 4.
1 vyd. - Praha : Grada, 2003.
750 s.
(Myslíme v...)
ISBN: 80-247-0661-X
K 14752

Quantum mechanics.
4th print. with corrections. - Reading : W.A. Benjamin, 1974.
Vol. 1: Fundamentals.
xvii, 494 s.
ISBN: 0-8053-3332-0
K 14775

GRALLA, Preston
Windows XP Hacks : 100 industrial-strength tips & tools.
1st ed. - Beijing : O'Reilly, 2003.
xviii, 392 s.
(Hacks series)
ISBN: 0-596-00511-3
K 14770

GRILL, Alfred
Cold plasma in materials fabrication : from fundamentals to applications.
New York : IEEE Press, 1994.
xiii, 256 s.
ISBN 0-7803-4714-5
K 14733

Theoretical surface science : a microscopic perspective.
Berlin : Springer, 2003.
x, 275 s.
(Advanced texts in physics)
ISBN: 3-540-43903-X
K 14762

HAINES, Simon - STEWART, Barbara
New First Certificate masterclass : student´s book.
12. impr. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002.
223 s.
ISBN: 0-19-432829-5
K 14767

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET krok za krokem.
1. vyd. - Brno : Mobil Media, 2002.
680 s.
ISBN: 80-86593-19-3
K 14768

Handbook of electron spin resonance.
Vol. 2.
New York : Springer, 1999.
xi, 375 s.
ISBN: 0-387-98660-X
K 14772-2

Handbook of nanoscience, engineering, and technology.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2003.
xxv s., nestr.
(The electrical engineering handbook series)
ISBN: 0-8493-1200-0
K 14749

Mesoscopic electronics in solid state nanostructures.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003.
337 s.
ISBN: 3-527-40375-2
K 14774

International conference on the physics of transition metals : Darmstadt, Germany, July 20-24, 1992.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1993.
Vol. 1: xxix, 567 s.
ISBN 981-02-1955-5.
Vol. 2: xxiii, 570-1030 s.
ISBN 981-02-1956-3.
K 14730-1,2

International tables for crystallography
Dordrecht : Kluwer.
Vol. A: Space-group symmetry. - 5th ed. - 2002. - xx, 911 s.
ISBN: 0-7923-6590-9
Vol. B: Reciprocal space. - 2nd ed. - 2001. - xxvi, 593 s.
ISBN: 0-7923-6592-5
K 14764-1,2

Irreversible quantum dynamics.
Berlin : Springer, 2003.
x, 373 s.
(Lecture notes in physics ; vol. 622)
ISBN 3-540-40223-3
K 12146-622

Silicon-germanium strained layers and heterostructures.
Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2003.
xiv, 308 s.
(Semiconductors and semimetals ; sv. 74)
ISBN 0-12-752183-6
K 8832-74

Jazykový průvodce španělština.
1. vyd. - Praha : Vašut, 2000.
252 s.
ISBN 80-7236-133-3
K 14736

KAINKA, Burkhard
Měření, řízení a regulace pomocí PC.
1. vyd. - Praha : BEN - technická literatura, 2003.
271 s.
(PC & elektronika)
ISBN: 80-7300-089-X
K 14754

KARP, David A. - O'REILLY, Tim - MOTT, Troy
Windows XP in a nutshell
1st ed. - Beijing : O'Reilly, 2002.
xvi, 616 s.
ISBN: 0-596-00249-1
K 14769

KITTEL, Charles
Introduction to solid state physics.
7th ed. - New York : Wiley, 1996.
x, 673 s.
ISBN: 0-471-11181-3
K 146739

KNOLL, Glenn F.
Radiation detection and measurement.
New York : Wiley, 2000.
xiv, 802 s.
ISBN 0-471-07338-5
K 14722

KRANE, Kenneth
Modern physics.
2nd ed. - New York : Wiley, 1996.
xiv, 581 s.
ISBN: 0-471-82872-6
K 146738

Struktura a vlastnosti krystalů
1. vyd. - Praha : Academia, 1993.
275 s.
ISBN 80-200-0372-X
K 14720

KUČERA, Miloslav
Vznik makromolekul.
Brno : Vutium, 2003.
1. Obecné poznatky o zákonitostech tvorby polymerů. - 172 s.
ISBN: 80-214-2127-4.
2. Nové poznatky o zákonitostech tvorby polymerů. - 124 s.
ISBN: 80-214-2127-4.
K 14748-1,2

LAPACK user´s guide.
3rd ed. - Philadelphia : SIAM, 1999.
xxi, 407 s.
(Software, enviroments, and tools)
ISBN 0-89871-447-8
K 14717

Longman dictionary of contemporary English
7th ed. -Harlow : Longman, 2003.
xvii, 238 s., CD v příl.
ISBN: 0-582-77646-5
K 14162 b

LUMDETR : 5th European conference on luminiscent detectors and trasformes of ionizing radiation
September 1-5, 2003, Prague, Czech republic. - Book of abstracts
Prague : České vysoké učení technické, 2003.
207 s.. nestr. příl.
ISBN: 80-09-02579-1
K 14745

Crystal growth for beginners : fundamentals of nucleation, crytals growth and epitaxy.
2nd ed. - New Jersey : World Scientific, 2003.
xviii, 546 s.
ISBN: 981-238-245-3
K 14758

Learning Red Hat Linux : a guide to Red Hat Linux for new users.
3rd ed. - Beijing : O`Reilly, 2003.
xvi, 319 s.
ISBN: 0-596-00469-9
K 14759

Kompendium statistického zpracování dat : metody a řešené úlohy včetně CD.
1. vyd. - Praha : Academia, 2002.
764 s.
ISBN 80-200-1008-4
K 14724

Gerthsen Physik.
22. völl. neu bearbeit. Aufl. - Berlin :Springer, 2004.
xxiii, 1157 s.
ISBN: 3-540-02622-3
K 14763

Metody analýzy povrchů : iontové, sondové a speciální metody
Praha : Academia, 2002.
489 s.
ISBN 80-200-0594-3
K 14721

Microsoft Office 97 : kompletní průvodce.
1. vyd. - Praha : Grada, 1997.
381 s.
ISBN: 80-7169-546-7
K 14766

Nanotechnology and nano-interface controlled electronic devices.
1st ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2003.
xv, 512 s.
ISBN 0-444-51091-5
K 14723

Nano-optoelectronics : concepts, physics and devices.
Berlin : Springer, 2002.
xvi, 442 s.
(Nanoscience and technology)
ISBN 3-540-43394-5
K 14714

Základní procesy růstu monokrystalů pro optoelektroniku.
Praha : Academia, 2003.
234 s.
ISBN 80-200-1030-0
K 14712 a, b

OpenOffice.org : uživatelská příručka.
1. vyd. - Praha : Computer Press, 2003.
viii, 168 s.
ISBN 80-7226-867-8
K 14706

OpenOffice.org 1.1 : uživatelská příručka.
1. vyd. - Brno : Computer Press, 2003.
viii, 168 s.
ISBN 80-7226-845-7
K 14747

ORLANDO, Terry P. - DELIN, Kevin A.
Foundations of applied superconductivity.
Reading : Addison-Wesley, 1991.
xx, 584 s.
ISBN: 0-201-18323-4
K 14746

Advanced solid state physics.
Boulder : Westview, 2003.
xiii, 386 s.
ISBN 0-8133-4014-4
K 14715

PRESS, William H. - TEUKOLSKY, Saul A. - VETTERLING, William T.
Fortran numerical recipes.
2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Vol. 1: Numerical recipes in Fortran 77 : the art of scientific computing. - 1997. -
xi, 933 s. - ISBN: 0-521-43064-X
Vol. 2: Numerical recipes in Fortran 90 : the art of parallel scientific computing. - 1999. - xx, 935 - 1486 s. - ISBN: 0-521-57439-0
K 14756 - 1,2

Proceedings of the 9th Europhysical conference on defects in insulating materials :
1-5 July 2002, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
Radiation effects and defects in solids
Part 1: vol. 157, nos. 6-12, June - December 2002
Part 2: vol. 158, nos 1-6, January - June 2003
K 14726-157, 158

Quantum processes in semiconductors.
4th ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999.
xv, 436 s.
ISBN 0-19-850-579-5
K 14710

Advanced mathematical methods with Maple.
1st ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
xv, 862 s.
ISBN 0-521-77981-2
K 14703

Vacuum technique.
1st ed. - London : Taylor & Francis, 2002.
vii, 351 s.
ISBN: 0-415-27351-X
K 14744

SCULLY, Marlan O. - ZUBAIRY, M. Suhail
Quantum optics.
1st ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
xvi, 630 s.
ISBN: 0-521-43595-1
K 14741

Concise chemistry of the elements.
Chichester : Horwood, 2002.
x, 198 s.
(Horwood publishing series in chemical science)
ISBN 1-898563-71-3
K 14713

SCHILDT, Herbert
Nauč se sám C++.
Praha : SoftPress, 2001.
623 s.
ISBN 80-86497-13-5
K 14731

SCHULTHESS, Gustav K. von
Clinical molecular anatomic imaging : PET, PET/CT and SPECT/CT.
Philadelphia : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
xii, 510 s.
ISBN: 0-7817-4144-0
K 14743

Principles of pulse electron paramagnetic resonance.
1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001.
xxvi, 578 s.
ISBN 0-19-850634-1
K 14737

Solid-state photoemission and related methods : theory and experiment.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003.
xx, 495 s.
ISBN: 3-527-40334-5
K 14765

SPAETH, Johann-Martin - OVERHOF, Harald
Point defects in semiconductors and insulators : determination of atomic and electronic structure from paramagnetic hyperfine interactions.
Berlin : Springer, 2003.
xi, 490 s.
(Springer series in materials science ; vol. 51)
ISBN: 3-540-42695-7
K 14574-51

SPAETH, Johann-Martin - NIKLAS, Jürgen R. - BARTRAM, Ralph. H.
Structural analysis of point defects in solids : an introduction to multiple magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Berlin: Springer, 1992.
xi, 367 s.
(Springer series in solid-state sciences ; vol. 43)
ISBN: 3-540-53615-9
K 13382-43

Theory of defects in solids : electronic structure of defects in insulators and semiconductors.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
xix, 955 s.
(Oxford classic texts in the physical sciences)
ISBN 0-19-850780-1
K 11810 a

Structure determination from powder diffraction data.
1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002.
xvii, 337 s.
(IUCr monographs on crystallography ; vol. 13)
ISBN 0-19-850091-2
K 14708

Optical processes in solids.
1st ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
xvii, 422 s.
ISBN: 0-521-55605-8
K 14771

TILLEY, Richard J.D.
Colour and the optical properties of materials : an exploration of the relationship between light, the optical properties of materials and colour.
Chichester : Wiley, 2000.
xii, 335 s.
ISBN 0-471-85198-1
K 14716

Tunable solid state lasers for remote sensing : proceedings of the NASA conference, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, October 1-3, 1984.
Berlin : Springer, 1985.
xi, 153 s.
(Springer series in optical sciences; vol. 51)
ISBN 3-540-16168-6
K 14727

VAIL, John M.
Topics in the theory of solid materials.
Bristol : Institute of Physics, 2003.
xi, 368 s.
(Series in materials science and engineering)
ISBN 0-7503-0729-3
K 14718

Elektronika : součástky a obvody, principy a příklady.
2. rozš. vyd. -Praha : Grada, 2001.
188 s.
ISBN: 80-7169-884-9
K 14755

WALLACE, Gordon G.
Conductive electroactive polymers : intelligent materials systems.
2nd ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2003.
237 s.
ISBN 1-58716-127-3
K 14729

An introduction to surface analysis by XPS and AES.
Chichester : Wiley, 2003.
x, 212 s.
ISBN 0-470-84713-1
K 14734

WEBER, Marvin, J.
Handbook of optical materials.
London : CRC Press, 2003.
512 s.
ISBN 0-8493-3512-4
K 14711

PHP a MySQL - rozvoj webových aplikací.
Praha : SoftPress, 2002.
718 s.
ISBN: 80-86497-20-8
K 14751

WELSH, Matt - DALHEIMER, Matthias Kalle - DAWSON, Terry
Running Linux : the essential guide to Linux.
4th ed. - Beijing : O`Reilly, 2003.
xvii, 672 s.
ISBN: 0-596-00272-6
K 14760

WHITE, Mary Anne
Properties of materials.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999.
xi, 334 s.
ISBN: 0-19-511331-4
K 14761

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