Curriculum vitae
Education and Appointments since 2004 Head of
Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer since 1996 Institute of Thermomechanics, AS CR, v. v. i.
1994 CSc.-degree (equivalent to Ph.D.) „Coanda effect used for impinging drying“
1985-1995 SVÚSS Prague-Běchovice (National Research Institute for Machine Design) as research assistant,
then researcher, finally the head of Laboratory of Impingement Drying
1985 Ing. (equivalent to M.Sc.), Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Stays abroad 2000–2001 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (5 months)
1998–1999 and 2002–2003 National Taiwan University, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Taiwan R.O.C. (2 years)
1990 ITTF, Institute of Technical Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
(2 months with Prof. E.P. Dyban)
Reviewer AIAA J., Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Int. J. Thermal Sciences,
and J. Fluids Engineering – Trans. ASME.
Publications 158 papers in various journals and conference proceedings, 24 of them are in „impacted journals”;
42 research reports, and three Patent Certificates granted from USA (1) and Taiwan R.O.C. (2).
Citations: Number of citations recorded by
ISI Web of Knowledge (without self-citations) is 77.
Selected publications
Representative journal papers Z. Trávníček, V. Tesař, J. Kordík, Performance of synthetic jet actuators based on hybrid and double-acting principles. Journal of Visualization 11 (3) (2008) 221–229. A. Fedorchenko, Z. Trávníček, A-B. Wang, On the effective temperature concept in the problem of laminar vortex shedding behind a heated circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 19 (5) (2007) 051701-1 – 051701-3. T. Vít, M. Ren, Z. Trávníček, F. Maršík, C.C.M. Rindt, The influence of temperature field on the Strouhal-Reynolds number relationship for water and air. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 31 (7) (2007) 751–760. Z. Trávníček, T. Vít, V. Tesař, Hybrid synthetic jet as the non-zero-net-mass-flux jet, Physics of Fluids 18 (8) (2006) 081701-1 – 081701-4. C. Herman, Z. Trávníček, Cool sound: The future of refrigeration? Thermodynamic and heat transfer issues in thermoacoustic refrigeration. Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (6)(2006) 492–500. Z. Trávníček, V. Tesař, Annular impinging jet with recirculation zone expanded by acoustic excitation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 47 (10) (2004) 2329–2341. Z.Trávníček, K. Peszyński, J. Hošek, S. Wawrzyniak, Aerodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of an annular bistable impinging jet with a fluidic flip–flop control. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (7) (2003) 1265–1278. Z. Trávníček, V. Tesař, Annular synthetic jet used for impinging flow mass-transfer, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (17) (2003) 3291–3297. Z. Trávníček, F. Maršík, Flow visualization and mass transfer with a bistable two-slot impinging jet. Journal of Visualization 6 (4) (2003) 337–441. A-B. Wang, Z. Trávníček, K-C. Chia, On the relationship of effective Reynolds number and Strouhal number for the laminar vortex shedding of a heated circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 12 (6) (2000) 1401–1410.Refereed papers in recent conference proceedings Z. Trávníček, P. Dančová, J. Kordík, T. Vít, M. Pavelka, Heat and mass transfer caused by a laminar channel flow equipped with a synthetic jet array. In: 14th Int. Heat Transfer Conf. (IHTC14), Washington DC, August 7–13, 2010. Paper IHTC14-22686. Z. Trávníček, E. Werner, F. Maršík, J. Kordík, D. Šimurda, Swirling annular impinging jets with hysteretic behavior. In: 6th Int. Symp. on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT’09), Rome, Italy, Sept. 14–18, 2009, 497–500, Paper E-0068. Z. Trávníček, V. Tesař, Hysteretic behavior of annular impinging jets, in: Proceedings of 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eindhoven, May 18–22, 2008, JET 6.Patents A-B. Wang, Z. Trávníček, Y-H. Wang, M-C. Hsu, Double-acting device for generating of synthetic jets. US Patent, No. US 7527086 B2, May 5, 2009. A-B. Wang, Z. Trávníček, Y-H. Wang, M-C. Hsu, Double-acting device for generating of synthetic jets. Patent Certificate of Taiwan R.O.C. No. I 267 616, 2006/12/01, valid period 2006–2024. A-B.Wang, Z.Trávníček, C.-H.Lee, Y.-H.Wang, M.-C.Hsu, C.-K.Lee, A.I.Fedorchenko, Micromixer apparatus and method therefor. Patent Certificate of Taiwan R.O.C. No. I 249 431, 2006/02/21, valid period 2006–2025.