Langhansová L., Maršík P., Vaněk T.
49 [3]:
463-465 ,
callus - suspension cultures - bioreactor - ginsenosides
Biomass growth and ginsenoside production in cell suspension and adventitious roots of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer cultures cultivated both in Erlenmayer flasks and a 3 dm3 bioreactor were studied. The maximum content of ginsenosides was found in the suspension culture cultivated in the bioreactor (4.34 % dry mass), however the saponin content was limited to two major ginsenosides, Rb1 and Rg1. The production of ginsenosides in adventitious roots was lower (1.45 or 1.72 % dry mass), nevertheless, the full range of ginsenosides was detected.
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IEB authors: Lenka Langhansová,
Petr Maršík,
Tomáš Vaněk