Doppler Institute, a common enterprise of three academic institutions, is a five-year project launched within the scheme ``Centers of Basic Research'' supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the code number LC06002.

Its mission is to create a first class research center in the field of mathematical physics and applied mathematics with the horizont of one generation and strong ties to leading European institutes. The project stems from a longtime, mostly informal collaboration of some participants; it aims at its strengthening by putting it on a more solid basis and cultivating links between different research topics. A strategic goal is to push forward a generation which would be able to lead in ten or more years.

The collaboration mentioned above dates many year back, in some cases more than three decades, being concentrated around a mathematical-physics seminar and common research interests. In 1993 the original Doppler Institute was established as a platform to develop this collaboration further. Many results were achieved since then as the publications as well as meetings, supervised PhD theses and other activities summarized in the annual reports witness. At the same time, lack of funding did not allow to use the full potential of this collaboration; the present project aims at making a further step in this direction.

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Last update: February 10, 2006