PT-symmetry-meetings' homepage

Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians
in Quantum Physics

(conference series)

   the jubilee meeting in 2011:

PHHQP conference Nr. X

"Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators"

will take place
in Dresden, Germany,

during June 15 -- 25, 2011

the registration proceeds till March 15th

   the next meeting is in preparation for 2012:

PHHQP conference Nr. XI

will take place, preliminarily,
in Paris, France,

some time during summer 2012;

e-mailed queries are welcome

the archive

the 9th PHHQP workshop
(see the official webpage)
took place in

in Hangzhou, China, during June 21 - 24, 2010. Its cca

80 participants (cf. their list )

just now prepare submissions to
in the special issue of
International Journal of Theoretical Physics.

The Editorial Manager is here, the deadline is October 1, 2010,
the guest editors are
Wu Junde (Zhejiang University, China) and
Miloslav Znojil (NPI Řež).

the 8th PHHQP workshop
(see a photo and the official webpage)

organized by

in the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
and in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
in Mumbai

during January 12 - 16, 2009;

proceedings appeared in
Pramana - J. Phys.,
Part I: No. 2, August 2009, pp. 215 -- 422,
Part II: No 3, September 2009, pp. 417 -- 626.
reprinted in single volume
"Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics"
(Indian Acad. Sci., Bangalore, 2009)
guest editors:
Sudhir R. Jain and Zafar Ahmed

the 7th PHHQP workshop
(see two photos and the official webpage)

co-organized with

in the Benasque Centre for Science

during June 29 - July 11, 2008;

proceedings: special issue

SIGMA 5 (2009)
items 1,5,7,17,18,39,43,47,53,64,69.
guest editors:
A. A. Andrianov, C. M. Bender, H. F. Jones, A. V. Smilga, M. Znojil.

the 6th PHHQP workshop
(see 142 photos and the official webpage)

co-organized with

during 16 - 18 July, 2007;


J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 41 (2008) 240301 - 244027,
special issue dedicated to the subject of the Workshop
(Nr. 24, 20 June 2008),
guest editors A. Fring, H. F. Jones and M. Znojil.

the 5th PHHQP workshop

organized by

on July 3rd - 5th, 2006
paralleled by

Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006) 885 - 1064,

special issue devoted to the subject of PHHQP
(Nr. 9, September 2006),

guest editor: M. Znojil.

the 4th PHHQP workshop
(see photo or photo or official photo and official webpage)

co-organized with

campus in Stellenbosch, November 22 - 25, 2005;

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 9963 - 10262,
special issue dedicated to the physics of non-Hermitian operators
(Nr. 32, 11. August 2006),
guest editors H. Geyer, D. Heiss and M. Znojil.

the 3rd PHHQP workshop
(see photo and official webpage)

co-organized with

campus in Istanbul, June 20 - 22, 2005;
proceedings in
Czech. J. Phys. 55 (2005) 1045 - 1192,
guest editor: M. Znojil.

the 2nd PHHQP workshop
(see photo)

organized solely by

Villa Lanna, Prague, June 14 - 16 , 2004
Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2004) 1005 - 1148,
guest editor: M. Znojil.

the 1st PHHQP workshop
(see photo)

co-organized with

Villa Lanna, Prague, June 16 - 17 , 2003
Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2004) 1 - 156,
guest editor: M. Znojil.

Note: a few last issues of older proceedings are still available
upon emailed request.

page updated: January 2011