Brief Description

The Earth’s atmospheric regions are intricately coupled to one another via various dynamical, chemical, and electrodynamic processes. However, the manner in which the couplings take place due to varying energy inputs from the Sun and from the lower atmosphere is a question that is yet to be understood. The coupled effects can be in terms of the modulation of the waves from lower to upper atmosphere as well as from low-to high-altitudes, electrodynamic and compositional changes, and plasma irregularities at different latitudinal regions of the globe due to the varying energy inputs. The MLT region is a critical region in the coupling between the lower/middle atmosphere and the upper atmosphere/ionosphere since it is here that physical processes filter and shape the flux of waves ascending through the mesosphere into the overlying thermosphere. On the other hand it is reasonable to presume that there might be a link between solar variability and the changes in the middle atmosphere and climate variables. This requires much improved knowledge and understanding of the solar effects on the coupling processes. This workshop solicits papers dealing with experiments, observations, modelling, and data analysis that describe the effects of atmospheric coupling processes within the atmosphere-ionosphere system. Recent results from the campaigns of CAWSES-II program are particularly welcome. It will address both theoretical and empirical recent results concerning the coupling mechanisms through dynamics, composition and electrodynamics. The workshop will be particularly focused on the dependence of coupling processes on the solar and geomagnetic activity, the downward control effects transferring from the strongly solar dependent structure to the lower atmospheric levels.

The 4thIAGA/ICMA/CAWSES-II TG4 Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System will be held from Feb 14-Feb 18, 2011 in Prague in Hotel Globus It is as well possible to book a room in this Hotel for a reduced price.

Registration, Hotel Booking, Payment and Info for Accompanying persons and about Social program.

Important deadlines

Program Committee:

Local Organizing Committee:
Petra Koucká Knížová (chair), Jan Laštovička, Tereza Šindelářová, Dan Kouba, Zbyšek Mošna - IAP, Prague, Czech Republic

Young Scientist Award
As IAGA is an international co-sponzor of this meeting, the programme committee of the meeting is offered to name an outstanding contribution of young more.

List of Solicited Talks

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Special issue of JASTP will be published at the occassion of the conference.

Contact: workshop_2011 at, Department of Aeronomy, Institute of Atmospheric Physics.