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Microscopy Unit


Koberna, K., Staněk, D., Malínský, J., Eltsov, M., Pliss, A., Čtrnáctá, V., Cermanová, Š., Raška, I.: (1999) Nuclear organization studied with a help of the hypotonic shift: its use permits hydrophilic molecules to enter into living cells. Chromosoma 108: 325–335.


Koberna, K., Staněk, D., Malínský, J., Čtrnáctá, V., Cermanová, Š., Novotná, J., Kopský, V., Raška, I.: (2000) In situ fluorescence visualization of bromouridine incorporated into newly transcribed nucleolar RNA. Acta histochem. 102 (1): 15–20.
Melčák, I., Cermanová, Š., Jirsová, K., Koberna, K., Malínský, J., Raška, I.: (2000) Nuclear pre-mRNA Compartmentalization: Trafficking of Released Transcripts to Splicing Factor Reservoirs. Mol. Biol. Cell 11 (2): 497–510.


Malínský, J., Koberna, K., Staněk, D., Mašata, M., Votruba, I., Raška, I.: (2001) The supply of exogenous deoxyribonucleotides accelerates the speed of the replication fork in early S-phase. J. Cell Sci. 114: 747–750.
Staněk, S., Koberna, K., Pliss, A., Malínský, J., Mašata, M., Večeřová, J., Risueno, MC., Raška, I.: (2001) Non-isotopic mapping of ribosomal RNA synthesis and processing in the nucleolus. Chromosoma 110: 460–470.


Koberna, K., Malínský, J., Pliss, A., Mašata, M., Večeřová, Fialová, M., Bednár, J., Raška, I.: (2002) Ribosomal genes in focus: new transcripts label the dense fibrillar components and form clusters indicative of „Christmas trees“ in situ. J. Cell Biol. 157(5): 743–748.
Malínský, J., Koberna, K., Bednár, J., Štulík, J., Raška, I.: (2002) Searching for active ribosomal genes in situ: light microscopy in light of the electron beam. J. Struct. Biol. 140: 227–231.


Malínská, K., Malínský, J., Opekarová, M., Tanner, W.: (2003) Visualization of protein compartmentation within the plasma membrane of living yeast cells. Mol. Biol. Cell 14(11): 4427–4436.


Herman, P., Malínský, J., Plasek, J., Vecer, J.: (2004) Pseudo Real-Time Method for Monitoring of the Limiting Anisotropy in Membranes. J. Fluoresc. 14: 79–85.
Malínská, K., Malínský, J., Opekarová, M., Tanner, W.: (2004) Distribution of Can1p into stable domains reflects lateral protein segregation within the plasma membrane of living S. cerevisiae cells. J. Cell Sci. 117: 6031–6041.
Raška, I., Koberna, K., Malínský, J., Fidlerová, H., Mašata, M.: (2004) The nucleolus and transcription of ribosomal genes. Biol. Cell 96: 579–594.
Večeřová, J., Koberna, K., Malínský, J., Soutoglou, E., Sullivan, T., Stewart, C. L., Raška, I., Misteli, T.: (2004) Formation of Nuclear Splicing Factor Compartments Is Independent of Lamins A/C. Mol. Biol. Cell 15(11): 4904–4910.
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