NMI3 project 7th framework of NMI3 project

Neutron Physics Laboratory Access programme in the frame of NMI3 project

Neutron Physics Laboratory of the NPI Řež (NPL) is a member of the Transnational Access activity in the frame of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3, 7th framework - FP7). Groups coming from EU Member States and Associated States may qualify for a travel grant provided by the European Commission under NMI3 project for access to NPL instruments available for the external users.

Information on NMI3 project, eligibility

Conditions of support

Experiment proposal

NMI3-specific forms:

Questionnaire for annual report to the EC within NMI3: The users funded by EU are required to provide some personal data, which will be recorded and used for funding, statistical and administrative purposes connected with your research, and to statistically analyse the membership of the neutron scattering community.
Summary report: The experimental report form for EU-supported experiments. It must be completed promptly after finishing the experiment.
User group questionnaire: After the experiment, you are required to complete a satisfaction report. Please use NMI3 (226507) as "Number of the EC Grant Agreement", and NPL_nnnn as "User Project Acronym" (where nnnn is the four-digit number of your experiment) in the satisfaction report form.

Other forms for administration

Beam time receipt
Conditions of EU support