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RNDr. Miroslav Flieger, CSc.

(born in 1948 Dolní Mokropsy)

RNDr. Miroslav Flieger, CSc. MS degree in the field of organic chemistry received in 1973 at the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Since 1974 he has been at the Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague where he obtained Ph.D. degree in microbiology in 1981. The main areas of his research were physiology of producers of secondary metabolites, development of analytical methods and techniques, mycotoxicology, in vitro production of secondary metabolites and also immunomodulatory effects of some ergot alkaloids. Recently, he has specialized in the analytical and preparative chromatography (HPLC, GC), HPLC/MS, electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, capillary zone electrophoresis, submersed fermentation of ergot alkaloids and pharmaceutical analysis, development of new chiral selectors used in HPLC and capillary electrophoresis.

His study stays abroad included the USA and Mexico, where he had the opportunity to meet both the scientific and industrial community, mainly in the field of mycotoxicology. These stays contributed considerably to his scientific career. In Germany and Italy he participated in the development of new chromatographic and electrophoretic methods and techniques used for the analysis of chiral mixtures and peptides.

Since 1993 until now, he has been the head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Fungi. During the period of 1994-2001 he was the head of the Division of Biogenesis of Natural Compounds. He resumed this position in 2003 and was the head of the Division until 2007. He has been a member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Microbiology since 1990, in 2001-2003 he was its chairman and served as vice-chairman in 2003-2006. Since 2005 he is a member of Academy Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and member of Council of the Institute of Microbiology (since 2007).

In 1998-2003 he was a member of the Managament Committee of EC COST Action 835 „Agriculturally important toxigenic fungi”. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Antibiotics (1999-2009), Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2000-2005) and a permanent reviewer of the journals subjected to analytical chemistry.

His teaching activity is focused on training of MSc. and PhD. students of the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University mainly in the field of analytical and organic chemistry. His teaching activities also include lectures on the „Analyses of microbial toxins“ for MSc. and PhD. students.

Results of his scientific work were published in 94 refereed journal articles, 26 other publications and 26 patents and patent applications. During last five years (2004-2008) he published 19 original papers, 6 patents and patent applications.

Flieger M., Kantorová M., Benada O., Kofroňová O., Sobotka M., Cvak J., Votruba J.: Preparation of nanoparticles by electrocoagulation from soluble exopolysaccharides produced by Claviceps viridis. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 85, 234-236 (2004).
Benešová T., Honzátko A., Pilin A., Votruba J., Flieger M.: A modified HPLC method for the determination of aspartic acid racemization in collagen from human dentin and its comparison with GC. J. Sep. Sci. 27, 330-334 (2004).
Stodůlková E., Man P., Pohl J., Nguyen D.V., Vaingátová S., Ivašková E., Pla M., Čapková J., Sedláčková M., Ivanyi P., Flieger M.: Peptides eluted from HLA-B27 of human splenocytes and blood cells reveal similar but partially different motif compared to in vitro grown cell lines. Immunol. Lett. 94, 261-265 (2004).
Honzátko A., Cvak J., Vaingátová S., Flieger M.: Influence of steric hindrance on enantioseparation of Dns-amino acids and pesticides on terguride based chiral selectors in capillary electrophoresis. J. Sep. Sci. 28, 673-677 (2005).
Stodůlková E., Pohl J., Man P., Votruba J., Čapková J., Sedláčková M., Ivašková E., Ivanyi P., Flieger M.: Comparison of amino acid composition of peptides eluted from HLA-B27 molecules of healthy individuals and patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Immunol. Lett. 103, 135-141 (2006).
Messina A., Flieger M., Bachechi F., Sinibaldi M.:Enantioseparation of 2-arylpropionic acids on chiral porous monolithic columns by capillary electro- chromatography. Evaluation of column performance and enantioselectivity. J. Chromatogr. A, 1120, 69-74 (2006).
Mori F., Ponti R., Messina A., Flieger M., Havlíček V., Sinibaldi M.: Chemical characterization and AMS radiocarbon dating of the binder of a prehistoric rock pictograph at Tadrart Acacus, southern west Libya. J. Cult. Herit., 7, 344-349 (2006).
Olšovská J., Jelínková M., Man P., Koběrská M., Janata J., Flieger M.: High-throughput Quantification for Lincomycin Traces in Fermentation Broth of Genetically Modified Streptomyces sp. A comparison of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection. J. Chromatogr. A, 1139, 214-220 (2007).
Olšovská J., Novotná J., Flieger M., Spížek J.: Assay of tyrosine hydroxylase based on high-performance liquid chromatography separation and quantification of L-dopa and L-tyrosine. Biomed. Chromatogr. 21, 1252-1258 (2007).
Görnemann T., Jähnichen S., Schurad B., Latté K. P., Horowski R., Tack J., Flieger M., Pertz H. H.: Pharmacological properties of a wide array of ergolines at functional alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes. N-S Arch. Pharmacol. 376, 321-330 (2008).
Stodůlková E., Novák P., Deininger S.O., Man P., Čapková J., Kavan D., Ivašková E., Flieger M.: LC MALDI-TOF MS/MS and LC ESI FTMS analyses of HLA-B27 associated peptides isolated from peripheral blood cells. Immunol.Lett. 116, 79-85 (2008).
Görnemann T., Hubner H., Gmeiner P., Horowski R., Latte K.P., Flieger M., Pertz H.H.: Characterization of the molecular fragment that is responsible for agonism of pergolide at serotonin 5-HT2B and 5-HT2A receptors. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 324, 1136-1145 (2008).
Pažoutová S., Olšovská J., Šulc M., Chudíčková M., Flieger M.: Claviceps nigricans and Claviceps grohii: their alkaloids and phylogenetic placement. J. Nat. Prod. 71, 1085-1088 (2008).
Olšovská J., Šulc M., Novák P., Pažoutová S., Flieger M.: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry characterization of ergocristam degradation products. J. Chromatogr. B. 873, 165-172 (2008).

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