Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Division of Solid State Physics

Institute and media

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

IBM Cases studies, 5.3.2010.

IBM iDataPlex has a really...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

Colloquium Cukrovarnická

Seminar Thursday, 25 November 2010 - 15:00

Speakers: Prof. Dieter Vollhardt (Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg, Germany)
Place: Institute of Physics - Cukrovarnická 10, seminar room (building A, 2nd floor)
Organisers: Division of Solid State Physics
Presented in English

In interacting many-particle systems such as electrons in solids, the concept of a single, elementary particle loses its meaning. Completely new and surprising phenomena can then emerge. In this context the term "electronic correlations" plays an important role. It refers to effects which cannot be explained if the interaction acting on a particle is approximated by a static mean field, or "cloud", provided by the other particles. Electronic correlations influence the electronic and magnetic properties of matter strongly. In my talk I will present a basic introduction into the concepts of correlated electronic systems. In particular, I will describe recent theoretical progress, which allows one to go beyond the investigation of simple models and explain properties of correlated materials. Several new developments in the field of many-particle physics will also be discussed.


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