Effects of conditional IPT-Dependent cytokinin overproduction on root architecture of Arabidopsis seedlings

Kuderova A, Urbankova I, Valkova M, Malbeck J, Brzobohaty B, Nemethova D, Hejatko J
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 49 : 570-582 , 2008
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; auxin-cytokinin cross-talk; CaMV 35S > GR > ipt transactivation; DR5 activity; endogenous cytokinin; root development

Tissue Localization of Cytokinin Dehydrogenase in Maize: Possible Involvement of Quinone Species Generated from Plant Phenolics by Other Enzymatic Systems in the Catalytic Reaction

Galuszka, P.; Frébortová, Jitka; Luhová, L.; Bilyeu, K. D.; English, J. T.; Frébort, I.
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 46 [5] : 716-728 , 2005
Keywords: cytokinin; cytokinin dehydrogenase; laccase

Two Cytokinin Receptors of Arabidopsis thaliana, CRE1/AHK4 and AHK3, Differ in their Ligand Specificity in a Bacterial Assay

Spíchal, Lukáš; Rakova, N. Y.; Riefler, M.; Romanov, G. A.; Strnad, Miroslav; Schmülling, T.
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 45 [9] : 1299-1305 , 2004
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; cytokinin; cytokinin receptor

Ethylene Synthesis and Auxin Augmentation in Pistil Tissues are Important for Egg Cell Differentiation after Pollination in Maize

Mól, R.; Filek, M.; Macháčková, Ivana; Rochon, E.
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 45 [10] : 1396-1405 , 2004
Keywords: egg cell maturation; growth regulators; Maize
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