News about reactor and instrument

  • Úterý, 21 Prosinec 2010

    Thank you to all who participated in the measurements or their samples were measured at the instrument MEREDIT. I wish you success in your work in the next year 2011 and I look forward to further cooperation.                

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Úterý, 21 Prosinec 2010

    Last RUN11 of the year 2010 finished today morning at around 1 a.m. The next run should start 12/1/2011.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Pondělí, 06 Prosinec 2010

    RUN 11 2010 started 4/12/2010. 13/12/2010 is planned 24 hours shut down. After thatthe reactor should be operational up to 20/12/2010.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Sobota, 27 Listopad 2010

    Run 10 2010 finished on Wendsday 24/11/2010 at noon. Last run of this year should start 6/12/2010. Duration is not yet known but first six day are confirmed.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Středa, 03 Listopad 2010

    RUN10 2010 started on Tuesday 2/11/2010. Next Tuesday 9/11/2010 there will be 24 hours shout down.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Úterý, 26 Říjen 2010

    RUN9 2010 finished at 20/10/2010. Next RUN10 should start at 2/11/2010.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Středa, 06 Říjen 2010

    RUN9 2010 started 5/10/2010 at 4:30 PM. The end of this run is sheduled to 20/10/2010. Ten days shut down will follows.

    News add by Přemysl Beran
  • Pondělí, 27 Září 2010

    RUN8 2010 finished 25/9/2010. Next run N°9 should start 4/10/2010.

    News add by Přemysl Beran