Databases A to Z
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ALL DATABASES (alphabetical list)
ASPI - Automatizovaný Systém Právních Informací (in Czech language)
American Economic Review (March 1999 to present)
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Publication Activity (since 1993)
Bibliografie pracovníků Univerzity Karlovy since 1995
British Library Integrated Catalogue
CERGE-EI Library Portal of Statistics Information
The Chicago Manual of Style Online
Databases of the National Library of the Czech Republic - Czech version
Databases of the National Library of the Czech Republic - English version
Davidson Data Center & Network
EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service
EconLit with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
Erik Herron's Guide to Post-Communist States Web
E-Statistics on CD-ROM Available in the Library Only
European Investment Bank Annual Report
Eurostat (free access to all Eurostat data and publications)
Eurostat Statistics (DSI Campus Solution)
Federal State Statistics Service
GRE for Test Takers (The Graduate Record Examinations)
German Statistical Office and German FED Statistics
Google Web Directory: Economics
ICPSR - Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
IPUMS (census microdata for social and economic research)
Infozdroje (in Czech language)
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) 1951 -
International Financial Statistics (DSI Campus Solution - World Statistics) 1951 -
Intra- and Extra-EU Trade Statistics 1951 -
Intra- and Extra-OECD Trade Statistics 1951 -
Jednotná informační brána / Uniform Information Gateway
Journal of Economic Literature Classification (JEL Classificatin)
Journal of Economic Perspectives 1996 to present
LISA: Library and Information Science Abstracts 1951 -
Library of Congress Online Catalog
Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science
Literature Online (English and American) 1951 -
NetLibrary (use the second option of the remote access reported here)
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online
Nobel e-Museum: The Nobel Prize Winners
Official Document System of The UN
Portál elektronických zdrojů UK
ProQuest Digital Dissertations & Theses - CERGE
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
Resources for Economists on the Internet (editor: Bill Goffe)
SCIRUS (science-specific search engine)
SFX (Search the library's collection for a full-text electronic journal or database.)
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Souborný katalog Univerzity Karlovy / Charles University Virtual Union Catalogue
Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic (Souborný katalog ČR) (CASLIN)
UNIDO - Industry Statistics (DSI Campus Solution - World Statistics)
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
WB - Africa Development Indicators (ADI)
WB - Global development finance online (GDF)
WB - World Development Indicators Online (WDI)
Web of Knowledge (Web of Science & Journal Citation Reports) since 1980