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AS CR  › Science and Research  › Programmes of Research and Development  › Programme "Nanotechnologies for Society" (2006-2012)

Detailed information about the programme


Detailed information about the programme

1. Name of the programme
2. Programme identification data
3. Programme objectives
4. Structure and specific objectives of the programme
5. Duration of the programme
6. Expected results
7. Programme funding
8. General requirements for participation in the programme
9. Project proposal processing and review
10. Evaluation of ongoing and completed projects

Nanotechnologies for Society

The proposal of the research and development programme was approved by Czech Government Decree No. 1006 on August 17, 2005. The notification approval was sent by the European Commission on November 24, 2005.

The tender in Research and Development relating to the projects of the programme "Nanotechnologies for Society" was announced as a one-level public tender, according to Act No. 130/2002 Coll. on the support of research and development from public funds and on the amendment to some related acts and Government Regulation No. 461/2002 Coll. on the purpose-oriented support of research and development from public funds and on the public tenders in research and development. The programme consists of three rounds of competition with the projected commencement of the investigation on July 1, 2006, January 1, 2007, and January 1, 2008, respectively.

The main objective is to achieve significant progress in research and development and in the practical use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for the benefit of the Czech society by coordinated and focused efforts within the academic sector, research organisations and commercial enterprises. The programme should also contribute to establishing the platform encompassing the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, universities, and also the industrial sector, which would ensure balanced and long-term development in this field and contribute to the more proficient involvement of the Czech Republic in the European research area.

Recent analysis has shown that the Czech Republic is seriously lacking in the science area of nanotechnologies. Only a specific, unified, and focused programme supporting the nanotechnologies and nanosciences research in the Czech Republic can change this currently unfavourable situation.

The basic feature of the project proposals should be the formation of interdisciplinary teams of significant size. The teams should facilitate the concentration of human potential and top specialists from various institutions, but also for the coordinated preparation of the new or joint utilisation of unique instruments and facilities already existing in the Czech Republic. The investigation process should explicitly reflect the advancement in the nanotechnology field.

The programme, "Nanotechnologies for Society," has been divided into the following four sub-programmes:

  • Sub-programme "Nanoparticles, nanofibres, and nanocomposite materials"
  • Sub-programme "Nanobiology and nanomedicine"
  • Sub-programme "Nano-macro interface"
  • Sub-programme "New phenomena and materials for nanoelectronics"

4.1. Sub-programme 1
Nanoparticles, nanofibres, and nanocomposite materials

The main focus of this sub-programme is on the priorities relating not only to a size less than 100nm, but also to the unique properties brought about by the size:

4.1.1. Nanoparticles in metals and metallic oxides
4.1.2. Nanoparticles and nanolayers based on ceramic materials
4.1.3. Nanofibres based on carbon, special inorganic materials, and polymers
4.1.4. Nanolayers, nanostructures, and nanocomposite materials

Objectives of this sub-programme are:

  • The development of new materials and new methods for the preparation of purpose-modified characteristics based on the unique properties of metallic nanoparticles, metallic oxides, and ceramic materials and on, especially in the case of free nanoparticles, the assessment of a possible impact on the environment and on human beings,
  • The development of methods for the optimization of usable mechanical, electrical, and other properties of composite and nanostructural materials and their dependence on the preparation and on the parameters of nanofibres and nanoparticles, which make up these materials,
  • The efficient transfer of knowledge to industry, which would widen industrially useful technologies based on the practical utilisation of nanoparticles, nanofibres, nanolayers, nanostructures, and nanocomposites in materials manufacturing in the Czech Republic.

4.2. Sub-programme 2
Nanobiology and nanomedicine

The main focus of this sub-programme is on priorities related not only to a size less than about 100nm, but also to related unique characteristics:

4.2.1. The purpose-oriented transport of biologically active agents and nanosystems for diagnostics, therapy, and radiotherapy, for example, with the help of polymers or 'molecular containers'
4.2.2. Magnetic nanoparticles for medicinal purposes
4.2.3. Bio-functionalisation of surfaces
4.2.4. Biosensors and diagnostic systems
4.2.5. Polymer nanocomplexes for the transfer of gene information and gene therapy
4.2.6. Super-molecular preparation of nanostructures

The objectives of this sub-programme are:

  • The development of new drug forms, diagnostics, contrast compounds and carriers ensuring the purpose-oriented transport, activation and biodegradation of these compounds in organisms,
  • The design of biosensors and diagnostic systems facilitating a sensitive detection of molecular objects, tissues, cells, and antibodies,
  • The development of technologies for the preparation of nanostructures and nanocomplexes for the transfer of gene information and drugs with the maximal utilisation of self-arrangement,
  • The preparation and characterisation of new hybrid materials for diagnostics and therapy, the transport, distribution and behaviour of which are controllable by an external magnetic field,
  • The support of the practical implementation of these nanotechnological materials and methods in the Czech Republic (healthcare, the environment, and agriculture).

4.3. Sub-programme 3
Nano-macro interface

The main focus of this sub-programme is on the priorities related to transitional phenomena and interconnections, the interaction of objects of a size less than about 100nm with the micro or macro environment:

4.3.1. The development of high resolution instruments, tools, facilities, and methods for the preparation and characterisation of nanostructures
4.3.2. The development of methods for the handling and interconnection of nanoobjects with a micro and macro environment
4.3.3. The development of measuring methods and the characterisation of surfaces of the technically interesting macroscopic materials of the nm resolution
4.3.4. The study of bulk materials, the characteristics of which are fundamentally influenced by the microstructure or nanostructure, especially the nanometric particle boundaries

Objectives of this sub-programme are:

  • The design of new high resolution instruments, devices and facilities for the formation and properties evaluation of nanostructures, which will permit the direct control of individual technological steps and for the spread of nanotechnologies in new areas,
  • The preparation of new methods for the handling and interconnecting of nanoobjects with micro and macro surroundings, especially with microelectronics,
  • The development of new metrological methods with high lateral resolution for the surface characterisation of technologically important macroscopic materials, which would facilitate the simultaneous analysis of their topography, chemical contents, and electronic characteristics,
  • The development of a methodology for optimising of usable mechanical, electrical and other characteristics of bulk and gradient materials in relation to their design, nanostructure and the function related to the particle boundaries.

4.4. Sub-programme 4
New phenomena and materials for nanoelectronics

The main focus of this sub-programme is on the priorities related to quantum phenomena and unique properties on the atomic and molecular level - with a size less than about 30nm:

4.4.1. Nanophotonics and, especially, new kinds of lasers
4.4.2. Semiconductor spintronics
4.4.3. Nanostructures based on carbon and nanodiamond layers
4.4.4. Nanotechnologies and nanophenomena at the atomic and molecular level

Objectives of this sub-programme are:

  • The preparation, characterisation and modelling of new nanostructures suitable for detectors, photonic crystals and lasers,
  • The design, preparation and characterisation of new semiconductor spintronic materials for the development of a new generation of nanoparts used for the collecting and transfer of information,
  • The preparation, characterisation, and optimization of new nanocarbon and nanodiamond materials for bio-applications and nanoelectronics,
  • The design of new methods for the preparation of nanostructures and nanomaterials of the purpose-managed object sizes, or with self-assembly.

The programme is approved for a period of 6.5 years, beginning July 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2012. Maximum duration of the project is five years.

a) practical outcomes, especially patents
b) new technologies, methods, material, compounds, devices, prototypes, etc.
c) publication in peer-reviewed journals
d) new methodology or diagnostics
e) new technical standard proposal

The purpose-oriented funds from the budgetary chapter of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic are used to support projects awarded in the programme "Nanotechnologies for Society".

The estimated public expenditures related to programme implementation in the respective years are as follows: 2006 - 100 mils. CZK, 2007 - 350 mils. CZK, 2008 - 350 mils. CZK, 2009 - 350 mils. CZK, 2010 - 300 mils. CZK, 2011 - 250 mils. CZK, 2012 - 250 mils. CZK, total 1 950 mils CZK.

It is envisioned that the total portion of the purpose-oriented support from public funds in the allowable costs of the complete programme will be 87% on average. The portion of the purpose-oriented support from public funds in allowable costs of projects differs in individual sub-programmes. The expected average values of this portion for the individual sub-programmes are as follows: sub-programme 1 - 80%, sub-programme 2 - 85%, sub-programme 3 - 90%, and sub-programme 4 - 95%. The actual maximum portion of the allowable costs is defined by actual Programme Guidelines.

The purpose-oriented support from public funds will be allocated to the awardees for their research and development projects as selected by the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in the form of subsidies for a legal entity or physical person, or in the form of the increased expenditures of state organisational units in accordance with the Act No. 130/2002 Coll. on the support of research and development from public funds and on the amendment to some related acts and Government Regulation No. 461/2002 Coll. on the purpose-oriented support of research and development from public funds and on public tenders in research and development.

The amount of allowable costs, the total amount of purpose-oriented support, and the amount of purpose-oriented support in each respective year will be established by the provider on the basis of the evaluation of project proposals and the ongoing project assessment by the Programme Council.

There is no legal right for the assignment of the purpose-oriented support.

Any organisation state unit, legal entity or physical person, which fulfils the qualification prerequisites, described in Section 18 of Act No. 130/2002 Coll., may become a candidate applying for purpose-oriented support within the frame of the programme. The project proposal must comply with the actual Programme Guidelines.

Special requirement for project acceptance within sub-programmes 1 - 3: The participation of at least one enterprise, having a registered address in the Czech Republic. This special requirement does not apply to the projects in the sub-programme 4.

9.1. Project proposal processing
The observance of the proposed formal requirements will be assessed by the Commission for Project Proposals' Acceptance appointed by the provider. The provider will select project proposals for the research and development public tender. The project proposal which does not include the required formal and contents' data, shall be excluded from the evaluation process within 15 calendar days from the end of the tender bidding period. Project proposals, which observe the formal acceptance requirements, will be presented to the Programme Council. Appointed by the provider, the Programme Council is an expert advisory body for project proposal evaluation. The provider will collect at least two independent reviews on each proposal. The reviewers will be selected by the Programme Council in accordance with Government Regulation No. 461/2002 Coll. The reviews will serve as the basis for the proposal evaluation by the Programme Council, which will make its recommendation to the provider. The provider will make the final decision and will publish it on http://www.cas.cz. The provider's decision is final and no appeal will be accepted.

9.2. Review criteria
The following criteria, all having the same weight, will be used to assess project proposals:

(a) Adherence of the project to the programme objectives

The project

  • must have the character of basic research or applied research (including industrial research), including a relevant way of funding from the government budget and from other than government resources (i.e., a part of the proposed project may include basic research, but another part of the project must always include also applied research and relevant results),
  • is focussed on a single priority or more priorities described within sub-programmes 1 to 4 mentioned in Parts 4.1 to 4.4.,
  • contributes to the achievement of one or more specified objectives of sub-programmes 1 to 4 described in Parts 4.1 to 4.4.,
  • shows a high level of integration: at least 3 collaborators must participate in the project (and at least one of them must be from the commercial sector and one of them from academia, i.e., from a university or AV ČR). The realistically calculated total allowable costs per year should be at the minimal level of CZK 10 million.

(b) The necessity of a project
This is the assessment of the project proposal's importance for technology and society focussing on its practicality and economic potential. A major evidence of the importance to society will be the level of co-funding of allowable costs from other than government sources.

(c) Expected benefits and quality of the project results
The evaluation of the originality and its scientific benefit. The presumed innovative benefit and economic impact of the implemented improved materials or new materials, technologies or technological processes.

(d) Project feasibility and implementation (prerequisites for the achievement of established objectives)
The assessment of a methodological and conceptual understanding of the solution, the evaluation of the level of the proposed costs based on the estimated project output, the evaluation of the purposefulness and aptness of the project solution costs. The assessment of past activities and of the expertise of the research team is of major importance.

The project will be evaluated by the Programme Council annually. This evaluation will be based on the annual report submitted by the principal investigator always at the end of each calendar year (the exact date to be determined by the provider).

The provider is entitled to suspend project funding when project progress is not satisfactory, the objectives are not being met, or when shortcomings are found in the management of the distributed purpose-oriented financial support.

The principal investigator of the project is obliged to submit his/her final report to the provider within 30 days following the project's completion. The final report should document the used research methods and the achieved results.

10.1. Evaluation criteria for ongoing projects

  • project objectives - level of the project's fulfilment of the proposed schedule
  • achieved results - their number and quality (first-rate international, international, high-quality national, average or below-average)
  • financial support - purposefulness and effectiveness of its usage, compliance with the program guidelines

10.2. Evaluation criteria for completed projects

  • project objectives - their fulfilment and the level of their implementation
  • achieved results - their number and quality (first-rate international, international, high-quality national, average or below-average)
  • financial support - purposefulness and effectiveness of its disbursement, compliance thereof with the program guidelines
  • sub-programme established objectives - their fulfilment by project results and outcome

The Programme Council will issue the final review for each completed project. This final evaluation will be presented to the Academic Council of the AS CR for its approval.



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