Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

CZELO.CZ, 20.1.2011.

Evropská výzkumná rada (ERC) zveřejnila...

Czech Business Media, 17.1.2011.

Mezinárodní tým vědců, který...

LIDOVKY.CZ, 24.12.2010.

Poprvé v historii napodobili vědci...

Nové výsledky a plány měření tenze par organokovů

Seminář Středa, 10.11.2010 10:00 - 11:00

Přednášející: Michal Fulem
Místo: Zasedací místnost FZU, budova A, Cukrovarnická 10, Praha 6
Pořadatelé: Oddělení polovodičů

Vapor pressure of metal organic precursors – an overview, new results, and future plans

Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy and other epitaxial techniques use a broad variety of organometallic precursors. The correct and exact knowledge of the essential physical and chemical parameters is necessary for precise technological application of these materials during technological processes and for growth modeling. In particular volatility data and a detailed vapor pressure equation is essential for controlled precursor dosimetry and thermodynamic analysis of MOVPE growth.
The increasing variety of CVD precursors and the lack of commercially available equipment led our laboratories at ICT Prague and Institute of Physics AS CR to construct a series of increasingly improved vapor pressure apparatuses. The apparatuses were thoroughly tested and fully automated. Consequently, a systematic study of vapor pressure of metal organic precursors was initiated. The vapor pressure data of the precursors of Ga, Al, Sb, Zn, Si, In, Y, Zr, Fe, Mn, Mg, Li, As, P, Ge, Er and Nd were determined to date.
The presentation gives an overview of the experimental set up built in our laboratories, presents challenges encountered during vapor pressure measurements of metal organic precursors, summarizes the results achieved over the last decade and presents some new results and future plans.

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