Approximately 30 root tips are used to prepare one sample (1 ml of chromosome suspension).
The suspension should contain intact nuclei and chromosomes. The concentration of chromosomes in the sample should be 5 x 105 / ml or higher. If the chromosomes are damaged (broken and/or appear as long extended fibres) than the formaldehyde fixation was too weak and should be prolonged. If the chromosomes are aggregated and/or the cells remain intact, then the fixation was too strong and should be shortened.
Although the chromosome suspension can be stored overnight, it is recommended to analyse the chromosomes on the same day of isolation.
Lysak MA, Cihalikova J, Kubalakova M, Simkova H, Kunzel G, Dolezel J. Flow karyotyping and sorting of mitotic chromosomes of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Chromosome Research 7: 431 - 444 (1999)