Cvikrová M., Gemperlová L., Eder J., Zažímalová E.
Arginine decarboxylase , Diamine oxidase, Ornithine decarboxylase, Extracellular polyamines
Changes in polyamines (PAs) in cells and
cultivation media of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and
tobacco bright yellow 2 (BY-2) (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
cell suspension cultures were studied over their growth
cycles. The total content of PAs (both free and conjugated
forms) was nearly 10 times higher in alfalfa, with high
level of free putrescine (Put) (in exponential growth phase
it represented about 65–73% of the intracellular Put pool).
In contrast, the high content of soluble Put conjugates was
found in tobacco cells (in exponential phase about 70% of
the intracellular Put). Marked differences occurred in the
amount of PAs excreted into the cultivation medium:
alfalfa cells excreted at the first day after inoculation
2117.0, 230.5, 29.0 and 88.0 nmol g-1 of cell fresh weight
(FW) of Put, spermidine (Spd), spermine (Spm) and
cadaverine (Cad), respectively, while at the same time
tobacco cells excreted only small amount of Put and Spd
(12.7 and 2.4 nmol g-1 FW, respectively). On day 1 the
amounts of Put, Spd, Spm and Cad excreted by alfalfa cells
represented 21, 38, 12 and 15% of the total pool (intra- plus
extra-cellular contents) of Put, Spd, Spm and Cad,
respectively. In the course of lag-phase and the beginning
of exponential phase the relative contents of extracellular
PAs continually decreased (with the exception of Cad). On
day 10, the extracellular Put, Spd, Spm and Cad still represented
11.3, 10.9, 2.1 and 27% of their total pools. The
extracellular PAs in tobacco cells represented from day 3
only 0.1% from their total pools. The possible role of PA
excretion into the cultivation medium in maintenance of
intracellular PA contents in the cells of the two cell culture
systems, differing markedly in growth rate and PA
metabolism is discussed.
IEB authors: Milena Cvikrová,
Eva Zažímalová