Seznam publikací

From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides
Generative development of winter rape (Brassica napus L.) - The role of vernalization
Glycosidic juvenogens: Derivatives bearing alpha,beta-unsaturated ester functionalities
Heavy metals uptake by hybrid aspen and rowan – tree clones.
Immunoaffinity chromatography of abscisic acid combined with electrospray liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Increase in activity, glycosylation and expression of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase during the senescence of barley leaf segments in the dark
Induction of RNA-mediated resistance to papaya ringspot virus type W
Inhibition of plant amine oxidases by a novel series of diamine derivatives
Inositol trisphosphate receptor in higher plants: is it real?
Insect pest control agents: Novel chiral butanoate esters (juvenogens)
Insect Pest Management Agents: Hormonogen Esters (Juvenogens)
Interaction of plant amine oxidases with diaminoethers
Isolation and characterization of the highly repeated fraction of the banana genome
Karyological Observations in Musa beccarii var. hottana (Musaceae)
Leaf senescence and activities of the antioxidant enzymes
Methyl jasmonate is a more effective senescence-promoting factor in Culcurbita pepo (zucchini) cotyledons when compared with darkness at the early stage of senescence
Micropropagation of mature trees of Ulmus glabra, Ulmus minor and Ulmus leavis. Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN-13: 978-1402063510.
Mitochondrial type-I prohibitins of Arabidopsis thaliana are required for supporting proficient meristem development
Monitoring toxicity, DNA damage, and somatic mutations in tobacco plants growing in soil heavily polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls
New Analogues of the Potent Cytotoxic Saponin OSW-1
New techniques for the estimation of naturally occurring brassinosteroids
Occurrence of nutrients and plant hormones (cytokinins and IAA) in the water fern Salvinia molesta during growth and composting
Odezva transgenních rostlin tabáku se zvýšeným obsahem cytokininů na aplikaci kyseliny abscisové
Optimizing the micropropagation protocol for the endangered Aloe polyphylla: can meta-topolin and its derivatives serve as replacement for benzyladenine and zeatin?
Organization Of Cellulose Synthase Complexes Involved In Primary Cell Wall Synthesis In Arabidopsis thaliana
Oxidative Biodegradation of Tetrachloroethene in Needles of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.)
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase activation is an early response to salicylic acid in arabidopsis suspension cells
Phospholipase Dζ2 Drives Vesicular Secretion of Auxin for Its Polar Cell-Cell Transport in the Transition Zone of the Root Apex
Phytoremediation of explosives, in Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents
Plant SET domain-containing proteins: structure, function and regulation