Archiv českého webu


Important legal standards

ACT No. 130/2002 Coll. on the Suport of Research and Development from Public Funds and on the Amendment to Some Related Acts (the Act on the Support of Research and Development)

The Act on the Support of Research and Development was changed by these acts:
ACT No. 41/2004 Coll.
ACT No. 215/2004 Coll.
ACT No. 342/2005 Coll.
ACT No. 413/2005 Coll.
ACT No. 227/2006 Coll.
ACT No. 81/2006 Coll.
ACT No. 171/2007 Coll.
ACT No. 296/2007 Coll.
ACT No. 124/2008 Coll.
ACT No. 110/2009 Coll.

Government Regulation No. 267/2002 Coll. on the Information System of Research and Development

Detailed information is available on web page Research and Development in Czech Republic: