7.3.2011 14:00
Na přednášku zve Středisko společných činností AV ČR společně s Astronomickým ústavem AV ČR .
Přednáška se koná v pondělí 7. března 2011 od 14:00 hodin v Praze, v Akademii věd ČR.
Vstup je volný do vyčerpání kapacity sálu. Místo je nutné si předem rezervovat. Kontaktní
informace: Hana Kůrková, tel.: 221 146 385, e-mail:
“For decades scholars have studied the Nasca Lines in southern Peru. These drawings consist of
geometric shapes and animal figures formed by ancient cultures who etched these designs into the
desert floor more than 1,500 years ago. Although several theories have been proposed regarding the
function of the Nasca Lines, until now, no one has been able to support their hypothesis
scientifically. While searching for additional water sources for the city of Nasca Johnson
discovered a correlation exists between geology, hydrology, archaeology and the Nasca Lines. As he
mapped geological faults and aquifers in the region he realized the Nasca Lines mapped their
course. Recognizing that these shapes functioned as hieroglyphs he eventually deciphered what some
of the shapes indicated which allows him to read this ancient script and locate wells in the driest
desert of the world based on the geoglyphs. The scientific data which has been documented by
scientists who collaborated with him as well as wells located by him supports his theory. Today he
is applying this knowledge to other regions of the world. This program takes the audience on an
intriguing journey, which examines the ancient Nasca culture and the clues which allowed Johnson to
interpret the hieroglyphs of one of the most elusive ancient mysteries.“
Přednáší: David Johnson
Global Learning Inc., Poughkeepsie , NY, USA
Úvodní slovo pronese Doc., Ing. Jaroslav Klokočník, DrSc., z Astronomického ústavu AV ČR.
Přednáška je v angličtině. Více k tématu The Nazca lines se dozvíte zde: http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/program/port/zahady/135-planina-nazca/.
Přednáška je v angličtině. Více k tématu The Nazca lines se dozvíte zde: http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/program/port/zahady/135-planina-nazca/.