Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute


These 33 projects were selected from a total of 138 which were submitted with budgets totaling nearly $2 million. Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher is named.

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Maja Micevska
Association for Socio-Economic Development, FY Republic of Macedonia
Labor Market and Social Policies in Macedonia **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Krešimir Žigić
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
The Impact of Tariff Protection on FDI in Developing and Transition Countries: Is the Tariff Jumping Argument Working for these Countries?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Mark Chandler
EuroFaculty Vilnius Centre, Lithuania
The Education Policy Autonomy of Lithuanian Local Authorities
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Daniel Pop
Civitas Foundation for Civil Society, Romania
The Effect of Uneven Development on the Ethnic Composition of Ethnically Mixed Regions **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Mihails Hazans
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Latvia
Commuting in the Baltic Labor markets: Patterns, Determinants, Individual and Social Gains
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Pál Gáspár
International Centre for Economic Growth European Center, Hungary
Floating Exchange Rate Agreement and EMU Membership in Pre-Accession Economies
Project Cancelled due to Non-Compliance

Rafał Piwowarski
Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
Factors Conditioning Educational Achievement
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Adrian Miroiu
National School for Political Studies & Public Administration, Romania
Funding Systems and Institutional Structure and Performance in the Higher Education Reform Process: An Institutional Analysis
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Daniel Münich
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Impact of Schooling Reform on Enrolment, Quality, and Inequlities of Graduates: New Evidence from the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Vesselin Mintchev
Center for Comparative Studies, Bulgaria
Estimating Potential Emigration from Bulgaria: The Case of an EU Candidate Country **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Oleksandr Stupnytskyy
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Secondary Schools Efficiency in the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Juraj Valachy
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Exchange Rate Stability of the EMS and CE Countries: Comparative Study
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Galyna Vereshchagina
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Education, Wage Dispersion, and Unemployment
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Petr Matějů
Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA), Czech Republic
Cost-Sharing and Accessibility of Higher Education: Conflicting or Compatible Goals
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03

Jiří Podpiera & Martin Cincibuch
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Assessing Real Appreciation in EU Accession Candidates: Measurement of Sectoral Real Exchange Rates Disparities
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Lindita Lati & Saimir Sallaku
The Public-Private Finance Institute (PPFI), Albania
Ownership Structure Impact on Enterprise Behaviour - The Case of Albanian Privatised Enterprises **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Polona Domadenik
University of Ljubljana, Economics Faculty, Slovenia
The Impact of Education and training Systems on the Labour Market Participation of Young People in CEE Economies: a Comparison with the EU
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Radim Valencik
Institute for Social and Economic Analysis (ISEA), Czech Republic
The Czech Pension System Reform Based on Complemental Conversion
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Petr Duczynski
University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Fundamental Aspects of Net External Assets
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03 || 04

Zlatuse Komarkova
University of Economics-Prague, Czech Republic
The Currency Substitution in Transition
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Artur Radziwill
Center for Social and Political Research (CASE), Poland
Transparency in Monetary policy in EU Accession Countries: Emperical Investigation
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Alf Vanags
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Latvia
Contract Enforcement and Enterprise Behavior: Theory and Evidence from the Baltic States
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Liviu Chelcea
The Humanist Foundation for Regional Development and Excellence, Romania
90% Off the Books: Corruption and the Informal Economy of Alcohol in Romania **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Silviya Gerdzhikova
University of Plovdiv "Paisiy Hilendarski", Bulgaria
A Comparative Study of English Language Education in Bulgarian Primary Schools
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Lucian-Liviu Albu
Institute of Economic Forecasting, Romania
Tax Evasion, Underground Economy and Fiscal Policies in Candidate Countries **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Peter Benczur
Central European University, Dept of Political Science, Hungary
Economic Fluctuations in Central and Eastern Europe
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03

Julia Varga
Budapest University of Economic Sciences & Public Administration, Hungary
Demand for and Labour Market Outcome of Higher Education in Hungary
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03 || 04

Laszlo Bruszt
Central European University, Hungary
Explaining the Dynamics of Institutional Change. Policy Choices and Economic Outcomes During Post-Communist Transition

Tihomira Trifonova
Institute for Politics & Public Communications, Bulgaria
The Reform Process: How Cultural Organizations Have Adapted to the Changed Circumstances
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Nikolay Markov
Center for Economic and Strategic Research, Bulgaria
Market Structure and Firms' Pricing Behavior (A comparative analysis of Bulgarian and Hungarian manufacturing firms) **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Jose Noguera
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Policy Management, Welfare and Barter in Russia
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Ella Kallai
Asociatia IDEE, Romania
Input Efficiency in Publicly Provided Education: The Case of Romania
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Bianca Pauna
Centrul Roman de Modelare Economica, Romania
Modelling the Participation of Households and Firms in Informal Economic Activities - Lessons from the Transition Economies **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper


** These projects benefitted from a generous contribution to the East European regional research competition by the Austrian Government to support research in South Eastern Europe via the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (