Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute


These 34 projects were selected from a total of 113 which were submitted with budgets totaling nearly $2 million. Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher is named.

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Julia Alasheyeva & Anete Pajuste
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia
Corporate Governance, Ownership Change and Firm Performance in the Central and Eastern European Countries: an Empirical Investigation
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Przemysław Kulawczuk
Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy, Warsaw, Poland
Tax Competition and Harmonisation in Central Europe in European Union Pre-Accession Period
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Ondřej Schneider
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Fiscal Policy in Enlarged European Union: Rules vs. Discretion
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Jan Hanousek & Filip Palda (ENAP)
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Measuring the Displacement Deadweight Loss from Corporate Tax Evasion in the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Libor Dušek
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Crime and Democracy - Accounting for the Growth of Crime in the Post-Communist Countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Michal Kejak
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Credit Shocks and Real Business Cycles: From the Great Depression to the EU Accession
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Jurij Bajec & Nebojsa Savic
Economics Institute, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Measures of Phase I of the Accession of Serbia and Montenegro to the EU Within the Stabilization and Association Process **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Toma Stefania
Research Center on Interethnic Relations, Romania
Educational Measures for the Roma Minority in Romania. The Effectiveness of Integrated and Segregated Education **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Laszlo Szakadat
Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration, Hungary
Towards More Transparent Education Systems in Central Europe
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Marko Simoneti
Institute for Economic Research (IER), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Private and Shared Benefits (Entrenchment vs. Incentive Effect) of Managerial Control, Increasing the Level of Managerial Ownership and the Implications for Firm Performance. The Case of Slovenia
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Jan Herczynski
Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Warsaw University, Poland
Decomposing School Outcomes in Polish Sub-regions. Where Does the Quality of Human Capital Come From?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Štěpán Jurajda
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Czech Returns to Schooling before the EU Accession: Does the Short Supply of College Education Bite?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Lubomír Lízal & Andreas Ortmann
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Designing and Testing Incentive-compatible and Effective Anti-corruption Measures
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper || 02

Lukasz W. Rawdanowicz
CASE, Warsaw, Poland
The Enlargement of EMU: Differences in Relative Inflation
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Cristian Stanica
Institute of Economic Forecasting, Bucharest, Romania
Adapted Models to Estimate Potential GDP in the Candidate Countries **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Laszlo Halpern
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
The Microeconomics of Technology Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from Hungarian Product-Level Data
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Imre Fertő
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
The Dynamics of Trade in Central and Eastern European Countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Tania Gosselin
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
The Determinants of Local Welfare in Hungary
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Mihails Hazans
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia
Choice of Education in the Baltic Countries: Was the Transition Effect Asymmetric?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Piotr Karp & Robert Kelm
University of Łódź, Poland
Fiscal Deficits and Exchange Rate Misalignment in Poland: An Econometric Analysis
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Zoltan Hermann & Daniel Horn
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
The Efficiency and Effectiveness of Hungarian Primary Schools
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02 || 03

Sorin Ionita
Romanian Academic Society, Romania
How Fair are the intergovernmental fiscal transfers in Romania? The political effects of the equalization grants and pre-university education earmarked transfers to local governments **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Alexander Stoyanov & Todor Yalamov
Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), Sofia, Bulgaria
Firms' Non-Compliant Behavior: Do Networks Matter in Bulgaria? **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Andris Kangro
University of Latvia, Riga
Quality Trends of Primary and Secondary Education in Latvia During Transition Period in the International and National Context
Project Cancelled due to Non-Compliance

Enejda Gurja
Albanian Institute for International Studies, Tirana
Tax Revenues and Tax Reform in Transition Albania**
Project Cancelled due to Non-Compliance

Alf Vanags
Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), Riga, Latvia
The Private Sector in Higher Education in the Baltics: Permanent Feature or Transition Phenomenon?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Polona Domadenik
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Educational Policy Vs. Labour Market Flexibility: The Cure for Youth Unemployment in Transition Countries. A Comparison with the EU
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

D. Andrew Austin & Tatyana Kosyaeva
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
Reform and Russian Attitudes Towards the Market: Evidence from Experimental Economics
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Boris Vujčić
European Regional Science Association, Croatian Section, Zagreb
Returns to Schooling in Croatia **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Reforming Foreign Language Education Policy in Croatia and Hungary **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Dario Cziráky
Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia
Financial System Development and Economic Growth in Transition **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Sergey Slobodyan & Viatcheslav Vinogradov
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Linking Education and Pensions in Transition
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Domagoj Račić
Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia
Croatian Innovation Policy and Its Effects **
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Ian Babetskii
CERGE-EI, Prague, Czech Republic
Trade Links, Synchronization of Shocks, and EMU Enlargement
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper


** These projects benefitted from a generous contribution to the East European regional research competition by the Austrian Government to support research in South Eastern Europe via the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (