Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2010

Obsah čísla

Marek Skovajsa: Editorial [887]


Martin Myant: Trade Union Influence in the Czech Republic since 1989 [889]

Abstract: Trade unions in the Czech Republic have experienced a steady decline in membership and, albeit less markedly, in bargaining coverage since the early 1990s, but much less decline in political influence. An assessment of the extent of their overall ability to influence society’s development requires a division into three spheres: business, employment relations, and the state budget. Strength in one sphere is found to influence strength in others. The development of collective bargaining in workplaces and at the sectoral level took shape relatively early. Forms of political influence developed more gradually, by a learning process, to include a combination of participation in tripartite structures, organising mass protest demonstrations and lobbying MPs and ministers. The relative weights of these elements, and their effectiveness, have varied with different governments and balances of power in parliament.

Keywords: Czech Republic, trade unions, labour relations, tripartism

Jiří Navrátil: Between the Spillover and the Spillout: Tracing the Evolution of the Czech Global Justice Movement [913]

Abstract: This article conceptually and empirically focuses on various dimensions of the Czech Global Justice Movement (GJM) dynamics. In discussions on the Western GJM it is possible to distinguish two main perspectives on the movement’s evolution, which were formulated in different contexts. One view claims that no such single movement exists anymore; it has already declined (or ‘spilled out’ into different field of activism). The other view argues that the movement is undergoing profound changes but its major principles and identity – at least latently – have survived. The aim of this article is twofold. First, it strives to re-introduce the concepts of ‘spillover’ and ‘spillout’ as multidimensional social processes and operationalise them to apply to the evolution of the Czech GJM in 2003–2009. Second, the article empirically traces the thematic shift of the Czech GJM towards anti-war activism and demonstrates that it is the movement’s collective identity that constitutes a key obstacle to its spillout in an unfavourable environment.

Keywords: contentious politics, collective identity, social movement spillover, global justice movement, anti-war activism, Czech Republic

Radka Dudová: The Framing of Abortion in the Czech Republic: How the Continuity of Discourse Prevents Institutional Change [945]

Abstract: Abortion was first legalised in Czechoslovakia at a relatively early date – in 1957. However, unlike in Western Europe, this did not occur as a result of pressure from civil society and the feminist movement. While attempting to explain the continuity and change of abortion institutions in the former Czechoslovakia /Czech Republic, the article focuses on the framing of the debates that preceded the changes in abortion legislation in the Czech Republic since the 1950s. Discourse analysis of media and expert articles, parliamentary debates, and other documents shows that abortion in the Czech Republic was framed as a medical issue since the 1950s, not an issue of women’s rights or bodily citizenship. Gynaecologists were the most important actors in the abortion debates. The effect of this medicalised discourse of abortion was the construction of a specific knowledge on abortion. In spite of existing alternative discourses, this original discourse now hinders the possibility of reframing abortion in terms of women’s reproductive rights and this is reflected in the status quo of the abortion legislation. The continuity of dominant discourse therefore reflects and reinforces the path-dependency of the institutions.

Keywords: abortion policy, body discourse, frame analysis, discursive institutionalism, Czech Republic

Tamah Sherman: Proselyting in First-contact Situations as an Instructed Action [977]

Abstract: Drawing on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, this study examines the phenomenon of proselyting in first-contact public situations as conducted, learned, continually developed, and reflected by American Mormon missionaries from the Church of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) in the Czech Republic, with a focus on first-contact public proselyting (FCPP) encounters. Proselyting is analysed as an instructed action and as a situation in which one party is initially aware of the category of encounter which is to take place, while the other party (or parties) is not, and it is necessary to create the particular type of encounter and then to execute it in some effective and beneficial way as defined by the first party. I examine the types of order to which both parties orient in these situations, i.e. local and extended sequential order, topical order, and categorial order, as they are layered in the doing of the instructed action. The findings demonstrate that, as opposed to the lay perception that religious missionaries simply recite learned passages and phrases in doing their proselyting work, their activities in fact involve complex sequences of communicative work which require the utilisation of experience, tacit knowledge, and creativity. In addition, while it is possible to flesh out and describe a clear sequence of phases in FCPP encounters which, from the outsider’s perspective, constitute proselyting, there is little which otherwise differentiates it from other types of activities involving talk.

Keywords: missionaries, LDS Church, instructed actions, proselyting, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis

Summary Articles

Jindřich Krejčí: Approaching Quality in Survey Research: Towards a Comprehensive Perspective [1011]

Abstract: The article has two goals: (1) bring attention to the problem of inappropriate treatment of survey data quality issues in the social sciences, and (2) introduce the basic principles of contemporary approaches to survey quality. If quality evaluation focuses solely on sampling error, most aspects of data quality are ignored and surveys are assumed to have ‘ideal’ statistical characteristics that are rarely attainable in the pragmatic world of survey fieldwork. A complex overview of the entire process of data collection provides a more solid foundation for evaluating data quality. Under this approach, quality is ensured by controlling the whole survey process. Accuracy, which is commonly elaborated using the concept of survey error, ceases to be the only dimension of quality. Nevertheless, this data quality component is crucial for data analysis and statistical testing. A comprehensive approach to survey data quality requires us to take account of complex sample designs when evaluating sampling error and to identify and distinguish between different dimensions of nonsampling error. Analysts who are not directly involved in data collection have limited ability to obtain information necessary for data quality evaluation. There are two types of quality standards: administratively imposed standards (ISO20252:2006) and the technical and ethical criteria of professional associations (e.g. ICC/ESOMAR, AAPOR/WAPOR, SIMAR). These help break this information barrier between data producers and data users.

Keywords: survey research methods, survey accuracy, total survey error, quality standards


Miloslav Petrusek: Zygmunt Bauman and Czech Sociology (1964–2010) [1035]


Marek Skovajsa: Peter A. Hall and Michèle Lamont (eds.): Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture Affect Health [1047]

Stephen Crowley: Agnieszka Paczyńska: State, Labor, and the Transition to a Market Economy: Egypt, Poland, Mexico and the Czech Republic [1052]

Benjamin J. Vail: James Gustave Speth: The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability [1055]

Tomáš Sirovátka: Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib and Elisabeth Holzleithner: Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? [1058]

Vera Scepanovic: Paul Blokker and Bruno Dallago (eds.): Regional Diversity and Local Development in the New Member States [1062]

JoLynn Henke: Hana Hašková and Zuzana Uhde (eds.): Women and Social Citizenship in Czech Society: Continuity and Change [1064]

Petr Mareš: Jiří Večerník: Czech Society in the 2000s: A Report on Socio-economic Policies and Structures [1068]

Jane Casey: Irmgard Eisenbach-Stangl, Jacek Moskalewicz and Betsy Thom (eds.): Two Worlds of Drug Consumption in Late Modern Societies [1070]


Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková: Migrations 2010 [1073]

Other texts

: Reviewers of Articles in 2010 [1075]

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