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More about BIOCEV project

Evolution and Dynamics of the Salt Karst in Zagros Mts., Iran

In South and South-West of Iran is known over 150 salt diapirs. The range and forms of these geological phenomena are in a global measure entirely unique and hereat only minimally studied. At some localities salt diapirs directly influence, either positively or negatively, life of local people (e.g. salt mining, mining of FW ores, salt brine contamination of drinking water, turism, etc.). But work in progress has a character of a basic research, even though some acquired knowledge about behavior and salt diapirs composition can be used for a practical life of local people in a future.
So far a big amount of samples out of many various types of environment has been acquired for geological data purposes by means of several methods (14C, U/Th, OSL). Acquired data help specify knowledge about geological development of salt diapirs altogether. Furthermore, the surface morfology of salt diapirs and their sedimantary cover composition are studied by methods XRF and RTG, which will be used to calculations of salt diapirs speed denudations.
The prolongation of 3N Cave is the famous speleological result of the last research expedition in Iran. The 3N Cave lenght is 6580m The Vodopád Cave discovered last year was documented on the salt diapir Djahani, and there was also initiated documentation of next two caves (maped areas overall extend the length of 600 m). The cave documentation at Djahani will serve to a research of speed movement of this salt diapir. The discovery of unique salt caves on the Keshm island will be used by the civic government to support the application to acknowledge a new geopark as geological landmarks under UNESCO auspice.


Michal Filippi
phone: 233 087 221
e-mail: filippi@gli.cas.cz

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - I. Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences


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