
You can make a reservation in one of six hotels (see below). We recommend that you make your reservation as soon as possible. Accommodation will be arranged on a first come first serve basis. There is a time limit for reserving the rooms that have been set aside for you to select from. Please read carefully the information about each hotel.


Recommended steps:

1. Read the information about each hotel and visit the web site of each hotel.

2. Choose your preferred hotel.

3. Make a reservation yourself, that means contact the hotel by e-mail or fax - the hotel manager will register you in the hotel and will confirm your booking.


If you would like to make a reservation in another hotel, we cannot guarantee that a room will be available for you. Please make your reservation as soon as possible, as the conference takes place during the high tourist season and it may be a problem to make last minute reservations.


When you do make your reservation, please notify Blanka Javorova of your reservation at


Also be sure to reigster for the conference by going to the registration page here.


All the hotels (except for Krystal) are in the centre of Prague, located close to public transport and near the location where the meeting is to be held. (See the map of hotels in the attached files).

Hotel prices include breakfast, service and all taxes, and they may vary according to current exchange rates. Accommodation is on a first come, first serve basis. Early reservations are welcomed.


Rooms have been reserved in the following hotels:


Hotel Ibis
  • The journey to the location of the Conference Meeting takes 10 minutes by tram number 9 or 6.
  • There are 20 rooms set aside for reservations in this hotel.
  • Rooms are available from 87 EUR for a single room and from 99 EUR for a double room.
  • The deadline for making a reservation in Hotel IBIS is currently 26 May 2006.

Address: Hotel Ibis Praha Smichov, Plzenska 14, 150 00 Praha 5

Tel.: +420 221 701 700;

Fax: +420 221 701 800



Hotel Kinsky Garden
  • The journey to the location of the Conference Meeting 2006 takes 5 minutes by tram number 9 or 6.
  • There are 10 rooms set aside for reservations in this hotel.
  • Rooms are available from 130 EUR for a single room to 150 EUR for a double room.
  • The deadline for making a reservation in this hotel is 30 July 2006
  • When making your reservation please use the confirmation number: 11609 and the name of the Conference - European Comparative Studies

Address: Holeckova 7, Prague 5

Phone: +420-257-31 11 73

Fax: +420-257-31 11 84



Hotel U stare pani
  • The journey to the location of the Conference Meeting 2006 takes 10 minutes by foot.
  • There are 5 apartments and 6 double bed rooms set aside for reservations in this hotel.
  • Apartments are available from 190 EUR to 240 EUR per night. The double bed rooms are available from 150 EUR per night.
  • The deadline for making a reservation in Hotel U Stare Pani is 30 June 2006.
  • When making your reservation please use the group name: Institute of Sociology

Address: Michalska 9, Praha 1, Stare Mesto


Tel.: +420 224 228 090

Fax: +420 224 212 172


Hotel Cerny slon
  • The journey to the location of the Conference Meeting 2006 takes 10 minutes by foot.
  • There are 2 single bed rooms and 3 double bed rooms set aside for reservations in this hotel.
  • Rooms are available from 110 EUR per night for single bed and 135 EUR for  double bed room.
  • The deadline for making a reservation in Hotel Cerny Slon is 28 June 2006.
  • When making a reservation in this hotel, please use email or fax to +420 222 310 351 using the group name ECSR. Do not make the reservation using the online form on their webpage.

Address: Týnská 1, 110 00 Praha 1

Tel: +420 222 321 521

Fax: +420 222 310 351


Appia Residences
  • The journy to the location of the Conference Meeting takes 15 minutes by tram No. 22 or 23.
  • There are 3 single bed and 3 double bed rooms set aside for reservation in this hotel. Rooms are available form 135 EUR per night for single bed and 145 EUR per night for double bed room.
  • The deadline for making a reservation in Hotel Appia Residence is 30 June 2006. When making a reservation in this hotel, please use email or fax +420 257 215 329 using the group name ECSR.


Hotel Krystal
  • This hotel is located half way between the airport and the place of the Conference meeting
  • The journey to the Conference Meeting takes 45 minutes by trams No. 26, 20 and the metro – final stop is the station Narodni (line B).
  • There are 8 single bed and 2 double bed rooms set aside for reservation in this hotel.
  • Rooms are available form 55 EUR per night for single bed and 75 EUR per night for double bed room.

For reservations in this hotel please contact Blanka Javorova at The deadline for reservation is 30 June 2006


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