Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Atomistic Spin Dynamics of Low-dimensional Magnets

Seminář Středa, 06.10.2010 15:00 - 16:00

Přednášející: Andrea Taroni (Department of Physics and Materials Theory, Uppsala University, Sweden)
Místo: Na Slovance, přednáškový sál v přízemí
   Oddělení teorie kondenzovaných látek
Jazyk: anglicky

We investigate the magnetic properties of a range of low-dimensional systems using a combination of first-principles calculations and atomistic spin dynamics (ASD) simulations. This approach allows us to calculate the ground state and finite temperature properties of experimentally well characterised systems such as Co/Cu(001), Fe/Cu(001) and Fe/W(001), for a range of different thicknesses. Inspired by recent developments in experimental techniques, most notably that of Spin Polarized Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (SPEELS), we examine the magnon dispersions of these systems. Our calculated spectra compare well with experimental data in the literature, and allow for an estimation of the role played by temperature in thin magnetic structures.


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