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07.03.2011 15:00

Axel Hoffmann (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL, USA)

As semiconducting electronic devices are miniaturized to ever-smaller dimensions, power dissipation becomes an ever-increasing problem due to leakage charge currents. Spintronics may help addressing some of these issues by utilizing besides the charge degree of freedom also the electron spin and the question arises, whether eliminating charge currents altogether could provide additional benefits for applications.

21.03.2011 15:00

Andreas Heinrich (IBM Almaden Laboratory, USA)

The scanning tunneling microscope has been an extremely successful experimental tool because of its atomic scale spatial resolution. In recent years this has been combined with the use of low temperatures, culminating in microvolt energy resolution. However the time resolution of typical STM experiments is limited to about one millisecond for spectroscopy on a single atom. In this talk we will discuss the use of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy with low-temperature STM for the study of spins, a technique coined spin-excitation spectroscopy.

Past seminars

Seminář Datum
Dynamical vertex approximation - a step beyond dynamical mean field theory 29.06.2010 15:00
Strings at LHC 24.06.2010 15:00
Correlation induced spin freezing transition in FeSe and FeAsLaO: a dynamical mean field study 24.06.2010 14:00
Optical evidence of strong d-p coupling in Zn1-xMnxO 23.06.2010 13:00
Programme of Fermilab and the collaboration with the Czech Republic 21.06.2010 15:00
50 years of DESY 17.06.2010 15:00
EELS mapping, a key component for the exploration of the nanoworld 17.06.2010 10:00
Ab initio theory of galvanomagnetic phenomena in random and non-random ferromagnets 15.06.2010 15:00
Nucleation of quantum dots in halide matrices 15.06.2010 13:00
Electronic structure near the Fe3O4/MgO(001) interface and near structural defects in magnetite 10.06.2010 14:00
The Einstein-Bohr dispute, its solution and implications 03.06.2010 15:00
Novel approaches to structure analysis of crystalline materials by x-ray and electron diffraction 26.05.2010 15:00
Analysis of simultaneous STM/AFM measurements with atomic resolution 25.05.2010 15:00
An accurate DFT-based method for the treatment of weak and van der Waals interactions : the LCAO-S2+vdW formalism 25.05.2010 10:00
Anomalous Hall conductivity: local orbitals approach 24.05.2010 16:00
Path integrals in physics: the main achievements 20.05.2010 15:00
Non-Markovian noise at the Fermi edge singularity in quantum dots 18.05.2010 15:00
Studies of the Cosmic Ray Composition with the Pierre Auger Observatory 18.05.2010 14:00
Ultrafast soft x-ray beamline at PALS 12.05.2010 14:00
Mezoskopický popis strukturálních fázových transformací v materiálech s variabilní dislokační hustotou 12.05.2010 10:00
Gravity or Thermodynamics or what E. Verlinde says 10.05.2010 15:00
Fe-Pd-X shape memory alloys and their properties 06.05.2010 10:00
Modeling of condensed matter systems based on ab initio results 04.05.2010 15:00
Relation of structure, magnetism, doping and pressure in AFe{2-x}TxAs2 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba,Eu; T=Co,Rh,Ru) 29.04.2010 14:00
Workshop on special problems of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys 24.04.2010 00:00
Hybridní RF/DC plazmatron pro generaci singletového kyslíku v kyslík-jódovém laseru 21.04.2010 14:00
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Molecules on Thin Insulating Films 13.04.2010 15:00
Neutron scattering studies of nano-scale order and dynamics in the PMN relaxor ferroelectric 08.04.2010 10:00
DIRAC experiment at CERN: results and plans 25.03.2010 15:00
Transparent ceramics: Processing, sintering, characterization and applications 25.03.2010 10:00

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