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Software produced within the Nonlinear Dynamics Workgroup.

Our workgroup produces software written in several programming languages.  There is a set of legacy programs created in Fortran and in C++.  Newer versions of the software are assembled in more productive environments such as Python or MATLAB.  Some of this software is available upon request.  However the workgroup also publishes a software package detailed below.



The INTERACT Toolbox is a MATLAB toolbox for analysis of interactions in time series with focus on phase dynamics.  Using the toolkit common tasks can be performed with a call of a function.  Specifically, the toolkit allows the user to:

  • extract phase from time series,
  • compute various dependence indices (mean phase coherence, mutual information, conditional probability),
  • compute conditional mutual information (using the equiquantal binning method),
  • construct surrogate time series (using phases or using amplitude time series),
  • integrate various dynamical models and perform model testing experiments.


With the above toolbox the full range of weak interactions between a pair of systems can be analyzed.  The toolbox is scheduled tp be extended with functions for multidimensional time series analysis in the near future.









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