Registrace - info & podmínky

ÚvodCAOS 2011Registrace - info & podmínky

Registration fees

Registration Before and on April 30 On or after May 1 On-site
Registration fee all inclusive:
4 nights at hotel "U královny Elišky" or "Terezianský dvůr" *
800 EUR
900 EUR
1000 EUR
Registration fee all inclusive:
4 nights 4 nights at hotel "Černigov"
600 EUR
700 EUR
800 EUR
Student registration fee all inclusive:
4 nights at dormitories **
300 EUR
350 EUR
400 EUR
Registration fee only
390 EUR
490 EUR
590 EUR
Student registration fee only
200 EUR
250 EUR
300 EUR
Accompanying person all inclusive ***
400 EUR
450 EUR
500 EUR

* You can indicate your preference for hotel "U královny Elišky" or "Terezianský dvůr" into Notes box in the on-line registration form
** To qualify for the student fee, applicants must be able to present proof of enrolment in a bachelor, master or Ph.D. program at an accredited university or college at the time of the registration. Please, send a copy together with your registration to the Congress Secretariat by e-mail to, or by fax (+420) 224942550.
*** Accommodation in double room with registered participant according to her/his choice


Registration fee includes:

  • admission to the Conference and access to the scientific sessions
  • access to the exhibition
  • conference materials
  • working lunches for each day of conference (Monday - Thursday)
  • coffee breaks for each day of conference (Monday - Thursday)
  • conference dinners (Monday, Tuesday)
  • welcome cocktail (Sunday June 26)
  • gala-dinner (Wednesday June 29)
  • concert (Monday June 27)

  • ALL INCLUSIVE registration - delegate fee

    The fee includes all items mentioned above in section "Registration fee includes" + accommodation in single room for 4 nights in the term June 26 - 30 in the required hotel.
    Accommodation includes breakfast.

    ALL INCLUSIVE registration - student fee

    The fee includes all items mentioned above in section "Registration fee includes" + accommodation in single room for 4 nights in the term June 26 - 30 in the hostel Academia. Rooms are simply furnished.
    The hostel is equipped with one bathroom per two rooms and one communal WC on each floor.
    Accommodation does not include breakfast.

    Accompanying person fee includes

  • welcome cocktail (Sunday June 26)
  • conference dinners (Monday, Tuesday)
  • gala-dinner (Wednesday June 29)
  • concert (Monday June 27)
  • half day walking tout with guide
  • accommodation in double room with registered participant

  • Detailed information about hotels are available in Accommodation Section.


    On-line Registration

    To register for the Conference please complete the On-line Registration Form.

    Please read the following information carefully !

    After submitting the completed form you will be provided with automatic e-mail confirmation that submission was successful. After the registration fee is paid you will receive a Letter of confirmation of the registration from the Conference Secretariat. A tax invoice will be sent separately.

    In case of any problems during registration process or if you have any special request please contact the Conference Secretariat.

    Terms of Payment

    Registration fees must be paid in EUR by:

    1. Credit Card

    All major credit cards are accepted. When opening the registration form, you will enter a safe mode which minimises the risk of the misuse of data. However, delegates should note that they use this registration method at their own risk. The organisers of the Conference and the Conference Secretariat cannot accept responsibility for any difficulties arising from on-line payment. Alternately, you may choose to send your credit card details to us by fax (+420) 224942550, stating this in the "Additional Information" box of the registration form.

    According to the Czech law, credit cards are charged in local currency - Czech crowns (CZK) using the exchange rate of the Czech National Bank on the date of payment. The approximate exchange rate is 1 EUR = 25 CZK.

    If you are paying by credit card, a fee of 1.8% (or 3.5% for American Express) will be automatically applied to your payment. This will be added to your total payment when we receive your form. These fees are used to cover the administration process; neither the 2011 Conference organiser, or the Congress Business Travel (Conference Secretariat) will receive any amount of this administration fee.

    If you enter an incorrect credit card number, or if your credit card is not authorised for some other reason, the registration process will be cancelled automatically.

    2. Bank Transfer

    Bank name Česká spořitelna
    Bank address Václavské náměstí 16, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
    Account number 1942073339
    Bank code 0800
    Account name Congress Business Travel
    BAN No CZ63 0800 0000 0019 4207 3339

    Payment details: 407/CAOS/participant's name (if it is impossible to include the name of the participant on the bank transfer for some reason, please enter the code "407").

    Please note that all bank charges must be fully covered by the participant. A copy of the bank transfer should be sent by fax or mail to the Conference Secretariat - fax: (+420) 224942550, e-mail: or This copy of the bank transfer will help to identify your payment more easily. When sending the fax do not forget to mark the name of the participant on it!

    Cancellations and Refunds

    The Conference Secretariat must be notified in writing about the cancellation of registration by fax or by e-mail. Telephone amendments will not be accepted. The appropriate refunds will be made after the end of Conference.

    Refund of registration fees, with a 25% administrative charge deducted, is possible if written application reaches the Conference Secretariat before March 31, 2011. Cancellations received on or after April 1, 2011 and prior to May 15, 2011 are entitled to a 50% refund of registration fees paid. After this date no refund will be possible, the Conference materials will be sent to the registered participant after the Conference.

    The participant acknowledges that he/she has no right to lodge claims against the organisers should the Conference be hindered or prevented by unexpected political and/or economic events, or generally by force majeure, should speakers fail to appear, or the programme is changed from any other reason.

    Name Change

    If you are unable to attend the Conference for any reason, you will have the opportunity to send a colleague in your place. The Congress Secretariat must be notified in writing about any name change. A handling fee of 30 EUR will be charged for each name change.


    Conference Venue

    Congress center Nové Adalbertinum
    Velké náměstí 32
    500 03 Hradec Kralové

    Registration Hours

    Sunday June 26 17:00 - 20:00
    Monday June 27 8:30 - 18:00
    Tuesday June 28 8:30 - 14:00
    Wednesday June 29 8:30 - 18:00
    Thursday June 30 8:30 - 13:00

    Tax invoices

    All fees are quoted in EUR and include VAT 20%. Tax invoices will be issued automatically upon receipt of any payment. They will be sent by e-mail or can be collected at the registration desk of the Congress.