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(>50x) publikace pracovníků ÚMG za posledních
10 let (2002-2011). |
Počty citací (k 1. 7. 2011) jsou pro jednoduchost včetně autocitací. Jména pracovníků ÚMG jsou podtržena. |
Kategorie A (publikace, na nichž je první nebo korespondující autor uveden s adresou ÚMG) |
Brdicka T, Imrich M, Angelisova P, Brdickova N, Horvath O, Spicka J, Hilgert I, Luskova P, Draber P, Novak P, Engels
N, Wienands J, Simeoni L, Osterreicher J, Aguado E, Malissen M,
Schraven B, Horejsi V:
Non-T cell activation linker (NTAL): A transmembrane adaptor protein
involved in immunoreceptor signaling. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 196: 1617-1626, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno: 125x |
Sinkkonen L, Hugenschmidt T, Berninger P, Gaidatzis D, Mohn F, Artus-Revel CG, Zavolan M, Svoboda P, Filipowicz W: MicroRNAs control de novo DNA methylation through regulation of transcriptional repressors in mouse embryonic stem cells. NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 15: 259-267, 2008. |
Citováno: 124x |
Horejsi V: The roles
membrane microdomains (rafts) in T cell activation. IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 191: 148-164, 2003. PubMed |
Citováno: 94x |
Volna P, Lebduska P, Draberova L, Simova R, Heneberg P, Boubelik M, Bugajev V, Malissen B,
Wilson BS, Horejsi V,
Malissen M, Draber P:
Negative regulation of mast cell signaling and function by
the adaptor LAB/NTAL. JOURNAL OF
MEDICINE 200: 1001-1013, 2004. PubMed |
Citováno: 70x |
Kozmik Z:
Pax genes in eye development and evolution. CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS &
DEVELOPMENT 15: 430-438, 2005. PubMed |
Citováno: 67x |
Pavlicek A, Paces J, Elleder D, Hejnar J: Processed
Pseudogenes of
human endogenous retroviruses generated by LINEs: Their integration,
stability, and distribution. GENOME
RESEARCH 12: 391-399, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno: 53x |
Mihola O, Trachtulec Z, Vlcek C, Schimenti JC, Forejt J: A Mouse
Speciation Gene Encodes a
Meiotic Histone H3 Methyltransferase. SCIENCE 323: 373-375, 2009. PubMed |
52x |
Kategorie B (kolaborativní publikace, na nichž jsou uvedeni autoři s adresou ÚMG, ale nikoli jako první nebo korespondující autoři) |
J, Horejsi Z, Koed K,
Kramer A, Tort F, Zieger K, Guldberg P, Sehested M, Nesland JM, Lukas
C, Orntoft T, Lukas J, Bartek
J: DNA damage response as a candidate anti-cancer barrier
in early human tumorigenesis. NATURE 434: 864-870, 2005.
PubMed |
Citováno: 811x |
G, Airey DC, Allayee H, Angel JM, Attie AD, Beatty J, Beavis WD,
Belknap JK, Bennett B, Berrettini W, Bleich A, Bogue M, Broman KW, Buck
KJ, Buckler E, Burmeister M, Chesler EJ, Cheverud JM, Clapcote S, Cook
MN, Cox RD, Crabbe JC, Crusio WE, Darvasi A, Deschnepper CF, Doerge RW,
Farber CR, Forejt J,
Gaile D, Garlow SJ, Geiger H, Gershenfeld H, Gordon T, Gu J, Gu WK, de
Haan G, Hayes NL, Heller C, Himmelbauer H, Hitzemann R, Hunter K, Hsu
HC, Iraqi FA, Ivandic B, Jacob HJ, Jansen RC, Jjepsen KJ, Johnson DK,
Johnson TE, Kempermann G, Kendziorski C, Kotb M, Kooy RF, Llamas B,
Lammert F, Lassalle JM, Lowenstein PR, Lu L, Lusiss A, Manly KF,
Marcucio R, Matthews D, Medrano JF, Miller DR, Mittleman G, Mock BA,
Mogil JS, Montagutelli X, Morahan G, Morris DG, Mott R, Nadeau JH,
Nagase H, Nowakowski RS, O'Hara BF, Osadchuk AV, Page GP, Paigen B,
Paigen K, Palmer AA, Pan HJ, Peltonen-Palotie L, Peirce J, Pomp D,
Pravenec M, Prows DR, Qi ZH, Reeves RH, Roder J, Rosen GD, Schadt EE,
Schalkwyk LC, Seltzer Z, Shimomura K, Shou SM, Sillanpaa MJ, Siracusa
LD, Snoeck HW, Spearow JL, Svenson K, Tarantino LM, Threadgill D, Toth
LA, Valdar W, de Villena FPM, Warden C, Whatley S, Williams RW,
Wiltshire T, Yi NJ, Zhang DB, Zhang M, Zou F: Complex Trait
Consortium: The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the
genetic analysis of complex traits. NATURE GENETICS 36: 1133-1137, 2004.
PubMed |
203x |
SP, Bartek J: The
DNA-damage response in human biology and disease. NATURE 461: 1071-1078, 2009.
PubMed |
Citováno: 155x |
H, Spindeldreher S, Rohn TA, Platania N, Grygar C, Daniel N, Wolpl A,
Langen H, Horejsi V,
Vogt AB: Tetraspan microdomains distinct from lipid rafts enrich select
peptide-MHC class II complexes. Nat.
Immunol. 3: 61-8, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno 130x |
LZ, Albalat R, Azumi K, Benito-Gutierrez E, Blow MJ, Bronner-Fraser M,
Brunet F, Butts T, Candiani S, Dishaw LJ, Ferrier DEK, Garcia-Fernandez
J, Gibson-Brown JJ, Gissi C, Godzik A, Hallbook F, Hirose D, Hosomichi
K, Ikuta T, Inoko H, Kasahara M, Kasamatsu J, Kawashima T, Kimura A,
Kobayashi M, Kozmik Z,
Kubokawa K, Laudet V, Litman GW, McHardy AC, Meulemans D, Nonaka M,
Olinski RP, Pancer Z, Pennacchio LA, Pestarino M, Rast JP, Rigoutsos I,
Robinson-Rechavi M, Roch G, Saiga H, Sasakura Y, Satake M, Satou Y,
Schubert M, Sherwood N, Shiina T, Takatori N, Tello J, Vopalensky P, Wada S, Xu
AL, Ye YZ, Yoshida K, Yoshizaki F, Yu JK, Zhang Q, Zmasek CM, de Jong
PJ, Osoegawa K, Putnam NH, Rokhsar DS, Satoh N, Holland PWH: The
amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate
biology. GENOME RESEARCH 18: 1100-1111, 2008.
PubMed |
Citováno: 111x |
CAL, van Wezel T, Zanon C, Stassen APM, Vlcek C, Csikos T, Klous
AM, Tripodis N, Perrakis A, Boerrigter L, Groot PC, Lindeman J, Mooi
WJ, Meijjer GA, Scholten G, Dauwerse H, Paces V, van Zandwijk N,
van Ommen GJB, Demant P: Ptprj is a candidate for the mouse
colon-cancer susceptibility locus Scc1 and is frequently deleted in
human cancers. NATURE GENETICS 31: 295-300, 2002.
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Citováno: 110x |
T, Lu M, Andera L,
Lahm H, Gellert N, Fariss MW, Korinek
V, Sattler W, Ucker DS, Terman A, Schroder A, Erl W, Brunk UT,
Coffey RJ, Weber C, Neuzil J: Vitamin E succinate is a potent novel
antineoplastic agent with high
selectivity and cooperativity with tumor necrosis factor-related
apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2 ligand) in vivo. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 8: 863-869, 2002.
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Citováno: 108x |
J, Avner P, Baldock R, Ballabio A, Balling R, Barbacid M, Berns A,
Bradley A, Brown S, Carmeliet P, Chambon P, Cox R, Davidson D, Davies
K, Duboule D, Forejt J,
Granucci F, Hastie N, de Angelis MH, Jackson I, Kioussis D, Kollias G,
Lathrop M, Lendahl U, Malumbres M, von Melchner H, Muller W, Partanen
J, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Rigby P, Rosen B, Rosenthal N, Skarnes B,
Stewart AF, Thornton J, Tocchini-Valentini G, Wagner E, Wahli W, Wurst
W, European Mouse Mutagenesis Consort : The European dimension for the
mouse genome mutagenesis program.
NATURE GENETICS 36: 925-927, 2004. PubMed |
Citováno: 102x |
D, Bakinowski M, Thomas ML, Horejsi
V, Veillette
A: Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of T-cell activation by
PAG/Cbp, a lipid raft-associated transmembrane adaptor. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 23: 2017-2028, 2003.
PubMed |
Citováno: 98x |
Horejsi V, Zhang WG,
Schraven B: Transmembrane adaptor proteins: Organizers of
immunoreceptor signalling. NATURE
REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 4: 603-616, 2004. PubMed |
Citováno: 91x |
M, Staffler G, Horejsi V,
Waldhausl W, Stulnig TM: LAT displacement from lipid rafts as a
molecular mechanism for the inhibition of T cell signaling by
polyunsaturated fatty acids. JOURNAL
OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277: 28418-28423, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno: 91x |
H, Cihak J, Schneider MA, Plachy
J, Rupp T, Wenzel I, Shakarami M, Milz S, Ellwart JW,
Stangassinger M, Schlondorff D, Mack M: Dual role of CCR2 during
initiation and progression of collagen-induced
arthritis: Evidence for regulatory activity of CCR2(+) T cells. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 172: 890-898, 2004. PubMed |
Citováno: 88x |
Cigler P, Kozisek M, Rezacova P, Brynda J, Otwinowski Z, Pokorna J, Plesek J, Gruner
B, Doleckova-Maresova L, Masa M, Sedlacek J, Bodem J,
Krausslich HG, Kral V,
Konvalinka J:
From nonpeptide toward noncarbon protease inhibitors: Metallacarboranes
as specific and potent inhibitors of HIV protease. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF
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Citováno: 83x |
R, Pereira V, Katzourakis A, Talbot G, Paces J, Burt A, Tristem
M: Long-term reinfection of the human genome by endogenous
retroviruses. PROCEEDINGS OF THE
Citováno: 82x |
Machon O, Van den Bout CJ,
Backman M, Kemler R, Krauss S: Role of beta-catenin in the
developing cortical and hippocampal neuroepithelium. NEUROSCIENCE 122: 129-143, 2003.
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Citováno: 80x |
M, Machon O, Mygland
L, van den Bout CJ, Zhong WM, Taketo MM, Krauss S: Effects of
canonical Wnt signaling on dorso-ventral specification of the mouse
telencephalon. DEVELOPMENTAL
BIOLOGY 279: 155-168, 2005. PubMed |
Citováno: 78x |
JE, Erskine R, Whitman MC, Chiu M, Lau JM, Koopman LA, Valter MM, Angelisova P, Horejsi V, Strominger
JL: Disulfide bond-mediated dimerization of HLA-G on the cell
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Citováno: 77x |
Menier C, Saez
B, Horejsi V,
Martinozzi S, Krawice-Radanne I, Bruel S, Le Danff C, Reboul M, Hilgert I, Rabreau M,
Larrad ML, Pla M, Carosella ED, Rouas-Freiss N: Characterization
of monoclonal antibodies recognizing HLA-G or HLA-E:
New tools to analyze the expression of nonclassical HLA class I
molecules. HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY 64: 315-326, 2003.
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Citováno: 71x |
Pravenec M,
Kazdova L, Landa V, Zidek V, Mlejnek P, Jansa P, Wang JM, Qi NN,
Kurtz TW: Transgenic and recombinant resistin impair skeletal
muscle glucose metabolism in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 278: 45209-45215, 2003.
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Citováno: 68x |
Plasilova M,
Zivny J, Jelinek J, Neuwirtova R, Cermak J, Necas E, Andera L, Stopka T: TRAIL
(Apo2L) suppresses growth of primary human leukemia and myelodysplasia
progenitors. LEUKEMIA 16: 67-73, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno: 68x |
Flachs P, Horakova O,
Brauner P, Rossmeisl M, Pecina P, Franssen-van Hal N, Ruzickova J,
Sponarova J, Drahota Z, Vlcek
C, Keijer J, Houstek J, Kopecky J: Polyunsaturated fatty acids
of marine origin upregulate mitochondrial biogenesis and induce
beta-oxidation in white fat. DIABETOLOGIA 48: 2365-2375, 2005.
PubMed |
Citováno: 66x |
Wonerow P,
Obergfell A, Wilde JI, Bobe R, Asazuma N, Brdicka T, Leo A, Schraven
B, Horejsi V, Shattil
SJ, Watson SP: Differential role of glycolipid-enriched membrane
domains in
glycoprotein VI- and integrin-mediated phospholipase C gamma 2
regulation in platelets. BIOCHEMICAL
JOURNAL 364: 755-765, 2002. PubMed |
Citováno: 63x |
Tkaczyk C, Horejsi V, Iwaki S, Draber P, Samelson LE,
Satterthwaite AB, Nahm DH, Metcalfe DD, Gilfillan AM: NTAL
phosphorylation is a pivotal link between the signaling cascades
leading to human mast cell degranulation following kit activation and
Fc epsilon RI aggregation. BLOOD 104: 207-214, 2004.
PubMed |
Citováno: 62x |
Matko J, Bodnar
A, Vereb G, Bene L, Vamosi G, Szentesi G, Szollosi J, Gaspar R, Horejsi V, Waldmann TA,
Damjanovich S: GPI-microdomains (membrane rafts) and signaling of
the multi-chain
interleukin-2 receptor in human lymphoma/leukemia T cell lines. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 269: 1199-1208, 2002.
PubMed |
Citováno: 56x |
Drykova D,
Cenklova V, Sulimenko V,
Volc J, Draber P,
Binarova P: Plant gamma-tubulin interacts with alpha beta-tubulin
dimers and forms membrane-associated complexes. PLANT CELL 15: 465-480, 2003.
PubMed |
Citováno: 55x |
Neuzil J,
Stantic M, Zobalova R, Chladova J, Wang XF, Prochazka L, Dong LF, Andera L, Ralph
SJ: Tumour-initiating cells vs. cancer 'stem' cells and CD133:
What's in the name? BIOCHEMICAL
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Citováno: 53x |
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