Vojtěch Lahoda at the Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives seminar at MoMA, New York

Vojtěch Lahoda at the Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives seminar at MoMA, New York

For two years now, the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) has been organising the project Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C- MAP) in a Global Age: A Program for Research at the Museum of Modern Art, which aims at disseminating knowledge and discussion of modern and contemporary art beyond the regions that are most heavily represented in the MoMA collections (Western Europe, North America, and Latin America). The consultants and moderators for the project are Prof. Homi Bhabha (Harvard University) and Prof. Mieke Bal (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). The main geographical areas targeted by the project are Brazil, Central and Eastern Europe, and Japan.


On 22-23 February 2011 the third internal seminar of the project was held in MoMA, with the title Multiple Modernities through the Lens of International Cubism. Those invited to give papers as the basis for discussion were Michio Hayashi (Sophia University, Japan), Vojtěch Lahoda (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Nada Shabout (University of North Texas, Dallas) and Kuiyi Shen (University of California, San Diego).

They gave ten-minute presentations on Cubism, or the relationship between the local milieu and Cubism, and on the connection between the key theme and the concept of "multiple modernities" (a term coined by the Israeli sociologist Shmuel N. Eisenstadt) in Japan, Czech art, the Middle East, and China, respectively. The seminar, in which more than thirty MoMA curators participated, including the Director Glenn D. Lowry and the leadership of the institution, took the form of lengthy discussions on the presentations, extremely well moderated by Homi Bhabha and Mieke Bal. It took place both in a conference hall where the presentations were projected, and directly in front of exhibits in MoMA's permanent exhibitions, and also in the depository, where selected examples of drawings were viewed.


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