Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

IBM Cases studies, 5.3.2010.

IBM iDataPlex has a really...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

Research subjects at department 19

Michal Dušek, Jan Rohlíček, Václav Petříček

Structure analysis of powder samples is used for determination of atomic structure for compounds where single crystals are not available or hardly obtainable.  The full text >>

Antonín Šimůnek

Hardness and stiffness of materials are different quantities describing properties of solids. Stiffness describes how much it resists being temporarily stretched or compressed, springing back when force is released. In contrast, its hardness is resistance of material to permanent shape change, which happens when atoms are pushed to new locations.  The full text >>

Jiří Hybler

OD structures (abbreviated from Ordered-disordered) are composed of layers, either corresponding to real structure building units, or formally selected. The structure is built up of stacking of these layers according to the law known as the vicinity condition, representing a set of special operations – shifts and/or rotations. This condition is ambiguous, that means that always exists more than one possibility how the consecutive layers can be stacked.  The full text >>

Ondřej Šipr, Pavel Machek

Our focus is on qualitative and quantitative understanding of relation between geometric and spectroscopic properties of materials, with special emphasis on clusters and nanostructures. Studying these materials is interesting both for fundamental reasons (they form a link between atoms and solids) and for practical reasons (because of potential use of these materials in information and other technologies).

  The full text >>

Igor Bartoš

These crystalline - promising for the spintronics - materials are prepared as nanolayers by the low-temperature molecular epitaxy and their properties are affected by the sample surfaces. Surface sensitive methods provide information about the crystallography of their reconstructed surfaces and about their electronic and magnetic properties.

  The full text >>

Karel Jurek, Markéta Jarošová, Ivo Drbohlav

The aim of this research project that is realized in cooperation with Institute of Glass and Ceramics of the University of Chemical Technology, Prague is systematic study of the influence of electrons injected under the surface of silica glasses irradiated by the electron beam on the stimulated diffusion of alkali ions and cons  The full text >>

Jan Dohnálek, Tomáš Kovaľ

Protein crystallography is one of the key techniques of structural biology and is focused on determination of three-dimensional structure of proteins or nucleic acids by the means of single crystal x-ray diffraction.  The full text >>

Michal Dušek, Karla Fejfarová, Michaela Pojarová

Structure analysis of single crystals focuses especially on measurement and calculation atomic structures of crystals for other research groups.  The full text >>

Václav Petříček, Michal Dušek, Lukáš Palatinus, Karla Fejfarová

Department of structure analysis has gained world-wide reputation in solution of difficult structures, which cannot be solved with automatic or semi-automati  The full text >>

Lukáš Palatinus, Mariana Klementová, Markéta Jarošová, Michal Dušek

Precession electron diffraction (PED) is a newly emerged diffraction method that can be used for determination of atomic structure of very small crystall  The full text >>

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