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Czech Republic

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Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


News archive

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24. January 2011
Post-doctoral position in B[e] star research
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Stellar Physics Department of the Astronomical Institute. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Michaela Kraus on the disks and winds of B[e] stars.


1. November 2010
Postdoctoral position in 2010/2011
Center for Theoretical Astrophysics


20. September 2010
Postdoctoral position in the Group of Meteor Physics
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences opens a postdoctoral position in the Group of Meteor Physics.


19. July 2010
Postdoctoral position in 2010/2011
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic intends to open a temporary postdoctoral position.


2. May 2010
Research Position
The Astronomical Institute opens one temporary position in its Stellar department in the field of stellar radiative transfer and hydrodynamics to work on a project "Mass loss rate predictions for hot stars". The applicant is expected to have experience in the field of the proposed project and to have a university degree, preferably PhD, at the time of arrival.


24. February 2010
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Stellar Department of the Astronomical Institute. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Adela Kawka and Dr. Stephane Vennes on the spectral energy distribution of white dwarf and hot subdwarf stars. The applicant should have experience with observations, data reduction and data analysis of infrared, optical and/or ultraviolet data and have good programming skills.


24. November 2009
ESO Vacancy Notices
- HR Manager for International Staff and Head of Internal Communications
- ERP Consultant
- Science Operations Astronomer



8. November 2009
Probing Strong Gravity Near Black Holes
We are pleased to announce the conference "Probing Strong Gravity near Black Holes", which will be held in Prague (Czech Republic), 15-18 February 2010. The aim of the meeting is to discuss approaches to study strong gravity effects near black holes of all masses, with the focus on line and continuum spectroscopy, timing, polarimetry, and imaging. Theorists and observers are invited to participate at this meeting which will take place in Carolinum, the historical site of the Charles University in Prague downtown.


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