
Name Šponer Jiří
Position Scientist


Jiří Šponer, Ph.D.


Department of Computational Chemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 410 317
Fax: (+420) 220 410 320

2001 DrSc. (D.Sc.), Biophysics-Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
1992 CSc. (Ph.D.), Biophysics, Faculty of Science, MU Brno.
1987 RNDr. (MSc.), Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno.
Since 2004 Senior researcher. (part time) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
Since 2001 Senior Researcher and Head of Department of Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences, Brno.
1994-2003 Researcher and Senior Research, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
1993 Scholarship, Institute of Biohysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
1990-1992 Postgraduate student, Masaryk University, Brno.
1988-1989 Scholarship, Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Brno.
since 2004 Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
  Head of Department of Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno.
Awards and Fellowhisps
2006 Elected regular member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
Since 2003 Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellow in Biomedical Science.
2003 Otto Wichterle Award.
2000 Prize of Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic for senior scientists.
1999 Prize od the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for junior scientists.
1995 Hlavka Foundation Award.
2002 University Autonoma Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 1 month.
2000 Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, 1 week.
2000 Department of Chemistry, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, US, 2 weeks.
1999-2000 Department of Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 6 weeks.
1997-1999 Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 6 weeks.
1994-2001 Department of Chemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, USA, ca 15 months.
since 2002 Associate Professor (external faculty) of Biophysics, Masaryk University, Brno.
Research interest
  • Computational chemistry of nucleic acids, structural molecular biology and biophysics, atomistic simulations of biopolymers.
  • Structural studies of functional RNA molecules (ribosome, ribozymes), DNA and their complexes with drugs and proteins.
  • Quantum-chemical studies of molecular interactions in nucleic acids.