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This site contains overview of literature


  • D. Hartman, J. Hlinka, M. Paluš, D. Mantini, and M. Corbetta: The role of nonlinearity in computing graph-theoretical properties of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging brain networks. Chaos 21, 013119, 2011
  • D. Hartman and P. Herout. Head Leading Algorithm and GIS Data Analysis in Simulation of Traffic in Pilsen. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology, 2005, Nottingham Trent Univerzity, UK

  • P. Herout and D. Hartman. An Object-Oriented Modification of Cellular Automata Model for Urban Traffic Simulation. Almanac of technical progression of simulation society of Czech Republic, 2005, CR


Conferences proceedings

  • M. Holena and D. Hartman. Using surrogate modeling to improve evolutionary Optiminzation in catalysis. In proceedings of MIS, 2009, Josefuv dul, CR
  • D. Hartman and P. Herout. Construction of a hybrid traffic model based on JUTS cellular
    model. In Proceeding of International symposium Eurosim, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • D. Hartman. Testing of JUTS system and construction of hybrid traffic model. In Procee-
    dings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation ECMS, pp. 214-219, 2006, Bonn, Germany
  • D. Hartman and P. Herout. Implementation of Head Leading Algorithm in Simulation of
    Traffic in Pilsen. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference ICCMS, 2005, Oxford,
  • D. Hartman. Leading Head Algorithm for Urban Traffic Model. In Proceedings of the 16th
    International European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition ESS, pp.297-302, 2004,
    Budapest, Hungary
  • D. Hartman and P. Herout. Simulation speed up techniques. In Proceedings of the 38th
    International Conference about modeling and simulation of systems MOSIS, 2004, Roznov pod Radhostem, CR
  • D. Hartman and P. Herout. JUTS – J-Sim Urban Traffic Simulator. In Proceedings of the International Workshop MOSMIC, pp.125-130, 2003, Zilina, Slovakia
  • D. Hartman, J. Kacer. JUTS – J-Sim Urban Traffic Simulator. In Proceedings of the 2nd International PPPJ, pp.113-117, 2003, Kilkeny Ireland


Conference talks

  • David Hartman, Milan Palus: Towards a classical definition of betweenness centrality in weighted networks, Syncline, 2010, Germany (poster)
  • Milan Palus, David Hartman, and Martin Vejmelka: Complex networks from multivariate time series. European Geoscience Union, Vienna, 2010 (poster)


  • D. Hartman: Switching scalability of hybrid model for complex traffic simulations, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2008
  • D. Hartman: Study of the bromate-sulfite-ferrocyanide reaction in two coupled flow reactor. MSc thesis, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Instutute of Chemical Technology Prague, Prague, 2008
  • D. Hartman: Traffic simulation by using bulk systems. MSc. thesis, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2003



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