Project Open Science The Institute of Photonics and Electronics participates on the project Open Science. The main aim of Project Open Science is to contribute to the development of the knowledge economy and of competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

Partner Institutes organize courses and seminars for high school teachers, designed to enlarge their qualification and, simultaneously, to increase the quality of high school teaching in general.

The courses and seminars organized by the Open Science also help to establish and to reinforce direct contact between scientists and teachers who are finally linked to the gifted high school students. Within the project, the students can obtain scholarship in various scientific Institutes, where they can either carry out their own research or join any of the current projects underway, lead by scientific tutors. Therefore the conditions of education of gifted high school students are improving and the care for their interest in studies of science is ensured.

Záznam ze dne otevřených dveří 2008: (in Czech only)

Záznam ze dne otevřených dveří

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The Institute of Photonics and Electronics, its achievements and current work are regularly covered by the mainstream public media available in the Czech Republic.

The excerpt of some appearences of IPE in media follows:

2011, 28th March
Czech television ČT24: Milénium, Alzheimerova choroba - speciální čip (in Czech only)
2011, 16th February
Lidové noviny
Češi chystají past na Alzheimera. Klíčem k úspěchu je superčistý čip.
(in Czech only)
2010, 13th September
Český rozhlas Optické biosenzory a jejich využití. (in Czech only)
2010, 30th August
Český rozhlas, Leonardo Nula-jednička, magazín o lidech, technice a technologiích - Aplikace biosenzorů (in Czech only)
2010, 26th April
Radio, Český rozhlas Leonardo Nula-jednička, magazín o lidech, technice a technologiích - Biosensors, [record] (in Czech only)
2010, 1st April
e-zine Akademický bulletin - Konference o senzorech (in Czech only)
2010, 6th January
Radio, Český rozhlas Leonardo Profile interview 'Vstupte!' devoted to Optical biosensors, [record] (in Czech only)
2009, 7th December
Radio, Český rozhlas Cena INVENCE za optické biosenzory (in Czech only)
2009, 11th March
Czech television Newscast of ČT24:
The Czech scientists cooperate on a new bacteria detection in milk
(in Czech only)
2008, 26th April
Czech television Academy of Sciences CR and Czech Technical University in Prague will request money from European funds for setting up a new Institute of applied sciences - record of the broadcasting (in Czech only)
2008, 30th January
Czech television Týden vědy a techniky - společná prezentace s ÚEB AV ČR: "Jak to vidí rostliny", záznam z vysílání. (in Czech only)
2007, 28th November
Czech television Týden vědy a techniky - záznam Dnů otevřených dveří v Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR, záznam z vysílání.
(in Czech only)
2006, 24th November
Radio, Český rozhlas Leonardo Třetí dimenze - Interview with Pavel Honzatko, Ph.D. and Ivan Kasik, Ph.D. on the theme Optical fibres, their limits and potential to the future (in Czech only).
2006, June
Ezine, Ženy a věda Young talents - Interview with Mgr. Hana Vaisocherova
(in Czech only)
2006, May
Radio, Český rozhlas Interview with Jiří Homola, Ph.D., who received the Roche Diagnostics Prize for Sensor Technology 2006.
Press release, Press release of AS CR (in Czech only).
More information ...

Listen to the interview (in Czech only)

2006, 10th February
Czech television, 1st channel České hlavy - Reportáž o optických vláknech budoucnosti
(in Czech only)
2005, 13th September
Radio, Český rozhlas 7 Czech-developed appliance detects dangerous biological substances (in English), Record of the broadcasting
2005, 20th June
Czech television, 1st channel České hlavy - Zesílení světelné vlny (in Czech only)
2005, 2nd May
Czech television, 1st channel České hlavy - Senzory proti bioterorismu (in Czech only)
2005, 1st May
Czech television, 1st channel Události (in Czech only)
2005, 22nd March
Radio, Český rozhlas 6 Věda letem světem, record of the broadcasting
(in Czech only)
2004, 4th December
Newspaper, Lidové noviny Odhalit toxické látky trvá i hodiny (in Czech only)