Conferences and Courses - 2011

12. 5.2011, Wroclaw, Poland
“Lymphocyte development, Tolerance and Autoimmunity: solved and open questions”

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19. 5. 2011, Praha
10. Evropské fórum vědy a techniky v Praze (only in Czech)

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24. - 26. 5. 2011, Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic
Konference mladých biologů, biochemiků a chemiků

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13. - 17. 6. 2011, Praha
Transmission electron microscopy in life sciences
(Theroretical and practical course for beginners and medium advanced)

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13. - 17. 6. 2011, Praha
qPCR symposium - Developments in Real-Time PCR
- From Preanalytics to Molecular Diagnostics

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15. - 17. 6. 2011, Praha
Biotech 2011 & 5th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition

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4. - 7. 7. 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia
The Laserlab Europe User Training School "Advanced Optical Techniques
in Bio-Imaging"

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29. 9. - 2. 10. 2011, Obergurgl, Austria
Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease - Summer School

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12. - 15. 10. 2011, Krakow, Poland
IV Congress of Polish Biotechnology and IV EUROBIOTECH 2011

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27. - 29. 10. 2011, Singapore
Mitochondria, Apoptosis and Cancer 2011 (MAC'11)

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7. - 12. 9. 2014, Prague
IMC 2014 - Microscopy for global challenges

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