Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

Recent Placements

The following CERGE-EI students, who have already defended or are about to defend their Ph.D.s, have succeeded in the job market recently.

See also Ph.D. Alumni Placements for a comprehensive overview of where CERGE-EI Ph.D. graduates work today.


Natalia Shestakova

Dissertation Defense, June 2011 (Expected).

University of Vienna, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor, from September 2011.


Olga Loiseau Aslanidi

Dissertation Defense, February 2011 (Expected).

Moody's Assistant Director – Economist (Forecasting and Research).


Barbara Pertold-Gębicka

Dissertation Defense, April 2011 (Expected).

Post doc, University of Aarhus, from September 2010.


Maksim Yemelyanau

Dissertation Defense, 2011 (Expected).

Chief Economist at the Public Debt Department, Belarusian Ministry of Finance, from 2011.


Filip Pertold

Dissertation Defense, November 2010.

Post doc, University of Aarhus ,from September 2010.


Tomáš Konečný

Dissertation Defense, November 2009.

Czech National Bank, Expert Analyst, from March 2011.


Magdalena Morgese Borys

Dissertation Defense, June 2009.

Economist at ECFIN, EU Commission.


Silvester van Koten

Dissertation Defense, 2009.

Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, from September 2010.